
Episode 588 February 24, 2022 00:47:49
The Weekend Warriors Home Improvement Show

Feb 24 2022 | 00:47:49


Hosted By

Tony Cookston Corey Valdez

Show Notes

Tony and Corey reminisce about building the Weekend Warrior Studio and Workshop.  

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:04 Welcome to the weekend. Warriors home improvement show built by bar lumber. When it comes to bigger small projects around the home, Tony ACORE, you've got the know-how and the answers to make your life just a bit easier. Your they are your weekend warriors, Tony and Corey. Speaker 2 00:00:24 Hey, welcome to the weekend. Warriors home improvement show built by car and lumber. I'm Corey Speaker 3 00:00:29 Valdez and I'm Tony Cookson. Speaker 2 00:00:31 Thanks for tuning in with us today to a special episode of the weekend warriors. We are on location in our weekend warriors workshop. Speaker 3 00:00:41 It feels like it might be a little echoey in here, which is, I think it's okay because it's okay. It's going to be obvious. I think to the, Speaker 2 00:00:48 We are using our remote equipment. We have equipment that we put together and we bought, uh, to go and do to job sites and go to a home, uh, home shows and all of those sorts of things and in store functions ever since COVID, we didn't, haven't had a chance to do many, much of that. Yeah, hopefully that will change this year, but, uh, we're using that equipment today. We're in the weekend warriors workshop and we're going to do a good talk about that. We're going to tell you what we've been up to for the last two years. We've been recording videos. We've got our YouTube channel. If you're interested in checking any of that out, you can go check it out at, uh, and then search Parr lumber. It will pull up our state, our channel and you could subscribe to it. And we've got a, almost 100 videos posted up there and we're recording about two to three a month. And so we're putting up a new video just about every week. So go check that out. So anyway, Tony, let's start off, let's talk. Tell all of our listeners how this whole thing started. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:01:50 Obviously we, we, we started doing the radio show way back at a radio station, um, for about am station in Portland. I dunno, that was in 2012. We started at 11 and then in 2012, we changed the name. So we were filling in for another guy's shows that was fixing up the house with Tracy Hankins and he had the show in 2011 and then, um, we were filling in for him while he was taking some vacation or something. And then, uh, he decided that he wanted to do something different. And so we took over the show. So it was fixing up the house with Tony and gory for like a minute in 2011. And then in 2012, we changed the name to the weekend warriors home improvement show. We changed the, uh, the format a little bit and we changed how we were doing things back in those days. Speaker 3 00:02:43 We used to take calls, which is super funny because we would, we would wait for people to call the show and talk to us. And if we didn't get many calls, we felt like we were failing a little bit, but, uh, ultimately now 10 later, uh, 20 to 2022, um, we get emails and messages from our listeners all the time posts on Facebook. Um, and we, we know that we, that we are providing a service that people enjoy, even if that is just informative entertainment or infotainment. Uh, we, we were at us a am station 10 years ago. And then sometime after that, we left the station and started recording, recording the show. Oh, I know when we were no longer live, um, everywhere, the show got syndicated, they started playing our show on, I don't know, 18, 19 20 stations across the Pacific Northwest from, from Northern Seattle down to Medford, um, coastline, Washington, central Oregon. Speaker 3 00:03:54 So when we started going, uh, syndicated and being record show aired in different areas, then they started airing the show on different days, sometimes on Saturday, sometimes on Sunday, sometimes at different times of the day. And so we could no longer take callers. You can't say, Hey, call this number. And we're in Oregon on Saturday and they're listening to it in Washington on Sunday. So that opened an opportunity for us to start prerecording the show. One, once we were prerecording the show and no longer live, we can do that from anywhere. So we bought some equipment and, um, we set up shop in your bonus and your bonus room actually in your house, right. That, which was funny because your kids were younger and they're zipping around the house, chasing the dog and they're barking and laughing and, you know, playing swords or whatever. And we're trying to record the show upstairs. Speaker 3 00:04:49 That was, it was funny, but you know, the, when I think back to our roots where we started, uh, it's all pretty funny, but then eventually we decided we couldn't be in the house anymore. We need to have our own space. And you had just recently built this, we'll call it a shed, right? It's it's this, you can call it a shed, but it was a shed it's, it's the size really of a shop. I think it's, it's not really a small shed. It's more like a shop. It was, it was intended to use it as a shed team team, team. Yeah. Which is a pretty good sized building anyways. Uh, but you still needed a portion of it for storage. So we decided as crazy as this is, let's cut it in half, right? Put a door in the side, build a wall, close it off and finish the inside of half of that shed. And, uh, we, I convinced you somehow that that was going to be a good idea. And we started that project. Interestingly enough, it coincided with us starting to shoot how to slash YouTube, um, product review, that kind of stuff, videos right. At the same time. And we thought, what an opportunity we will video the transformation of this shed into a recording studio. Speaker 2 00:06:15 Yeah, we certainly did. And I mean, I'll be honest, those first few videos that we did were pretty rough. If you go back, don't, don't laugh at us too much. Speaker 3 00:06:23 Oh yeah. Well, you know, everybody find Speaker 2 00:06:25 A start somewhere. We were finding our own there, but yeah, we did, uh, in the very, very beginning, we did every, every aspect of that shed project, we did sheet rocking, uh, air sealing air ceiling. Um, we, you know, we put up lights in there and built a desk. We installed Speaker 3 00:06:44 A door, we trimmed Speaker 2 00:06:45 A door and I tell you what, we had one giant problem with that studio. We made it so airtight. Speaker 3 00:06:52 We, we, we called to between the bottom of the wall and the floor, we call it between the top of the wall and the ceiling we call it everywhere. We wanted it. Speaker 2 00:07:01 We are sealed because we didn't want noise. We didn't want cold air. I mean, it was built as a shed single wall construction Speaker 3 00:07:08 Yet. So it was a quite a bit of work that we had to do to re get it dialed into a finished space Speaker 2 00:07:13 Because of that diligence. It created a huge problem with our, uh, with the sound quality. We had so much echo in that room, reverb, reverb. It was crazy and it was not okay. So we sought out, we came up with a few plans and we created this idea to make sound proofing panels, sound, absorption panels. Yeah. After we actually shot a video of it, Speaker 3 00:07:42 After we shopped online and saw what people pay for sound absorption panels, we were like, there has got to be a better way. I know that's expensive. Speaker 2 00:07:53 They were, they would sell from anywhere between six and $800 a piece. And we needed about, Speaker 3 00:08:00 Yeah, we needed a lot in order to get, we, we, we limped in a little bit and we bought some of these 12 by 12 square, sort of a lime green styrofoam foam things, put them up on the wall. And there was a tiny little difference. They didn't do anything, but it was not nearly what we needed. And so, so we decided we're going to find a way to do it. And we did. We came up with a great plan using some building materials. Speaker 2 00:08:26 We used to buy two construction lumber, and what's called mineral wool. Or Rockwool Rockwool is very, very dense. It comes in inch and a half thick pieces that are two by four foot. Yep. So we basically made a frame, we put this Rockwool insulation inside of it and wrapped it with a cover and we screen printed it and everything. We scream it on our wall turned out really good. And you would never know, they look like they are professionally made. And I tell you what they work so Speaker 3 00:08:59 Well. Yeah. We have zero refurb in there now. I mean, it's, it's really good. Anyways, that space is where we're recording our podcasts, uh, on a normal day. But not today. Today we are in what we're calling the weekend words, workshop. This is the space now where we're shooting our video. We were shooting video, um, here and there. A lot of times in Cory's garage, honestly, any place we could find, we shot some videos at some par locations. Um, we shot some videos in the backyard. We shot some videos, uh, you know, at a few different at a display yard where there was some doors and windows there, but the primary location was in your garage, which was problematic. Speaker 2 00:09:45 It was super problematic because, well, it was two-fold. It was great. And it was bad because it was great because we had all my tools. We had everything there. Uh, we didn't need anything. The only thing we had to bring was some building materials or whatever we were working on the bad was that my wife likes to park in the garage. So we had to clean up and vacuum and put away all the tools every night that we were done. And then the next time everybody came over was bringing it all back out. Yeah. And create a giant mess again. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:10:18 Which was even add an additional challenge. If you didn't finish the video, you started in day one and you had to shoot day two. We're trying to figure out how to put things back the way they were when we, yeah. Speaker 2 00:10:31 It wasn't necessarily day two. Yeah. It could have been a week or two later Speaker 3 00:10:35 And we're trying to figure out what we were wearing and, you know, all kinds of weird stuff like that. Um, so with Bowie, we built some good things. We built my, uh, we built my dining room table in there, the weekend warrior style farm table that we built out of dark Walnut. Oh man. What an awesome project. Beautiful project. Yeah. That turned out really good. We built it strong and hefty. It's super duper heavy, but man, oh man, is it a beautiful, beautiful piece of furniture? And we are not furniture builders. We, we, we, we sort of, uh, navigated our way through that project. Speaker 2 00:11:14 I called it the weekend warrior style farmhouse table for a reason on a wing and a prayer. I mean, we, we didn't, we've screwed it together with pocket screws. Uh, it worked extremely well. Speaker 3 00:11:26 We built the frame out of two by six, number two in better framing material. Speaker 2 00:11:31 That's right. Douglas fir Doug fir we cleaned it up. We skirted it with nicer lumber and made it all stain grade. But that Walnut top, we went over to Gobi hardwoods in Northern north west Portland. Yeah. Goby Walnut. Yeah. Goby Walnut. And, uh, we picked out some rough, you know, it was totally rough live edge. Yeah. It was, it was 24 inch wide on one side, 12 inches on the other. And we had to mill it down ourselves, clean this up. Speaker 3 00:12:05 We had to play in it. We had to everything, Speaker 2 00:12:08 Everything. But, uh, yeah, we put that thing together and we went to town on it with a belt sander just to make it nice and flat, but it turned out so well that we, you know, we did a really good video series on it. So you can go check that out on our YouTube channel. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:12:21 That video series is great. You'll enjoy that without question, even though we shot it in Cory's garage. Um, but then we decided that shooting in the garage was not going to be the way of the future. We know to find something that was going to be better, a space. We could call our own a space where we didn't have to clean up at the end of a long night, a space that, um, you know, where we could spread our wings a little. Right. And so we found this space, the space we're sitting in right now. And I don't know, we've had it for about a year, Speaker 2 00:12:55 A little over a year, over a year, 25 foot by 20 foot. Yep. So it's about the same size as my garage, but, uh, it's all ours. It's empty. Yeah. And we don't have to clean it up every night. Speaker 3 00:13:06 This is what I love. We came in here for the very first time and we were looking at all the walls and everything and it's, it's not, I mean, it's not a brand new room, it's an old room. Right. And the sheet rock has holes in it. And it's, there's four or five different colors of paint. I mean that, that wall right there, it's got four different colors of paint on it. And so we're in here and we're like, all right, we got to turn this into a space that we can shoot video and have it look professional. Right. So we talked about where we were going to put the camera and the lights and all of that stuff at one end of the room. And then we focused on the other end of the room. The first thing we did, the first thing we did was we started to paint that Speaker 2 00:13:46 Yeah, we had to paint and we went to the habitat for humanity restore. Yup. And we bought a few things and we ended up buying paint that they have there, that's recycled, Speaker 3 00:13:57 Recycled paint, recycled Speaker 2 00:13:58 Paint from very cool from Metro. And they put it together and they tint it in just a standard colors and you don't get to color it. No, right by it. Right. And we picked out this gray color, Speaker 3 00:14:12 They were great colors. It's a fantastic Speaker 2 00:14:13 Color. So we picked out this gray color, we get it over here. And we really literally only painted half the room. Speaker 3 00:14:21 We started at the plate on the wall where the camera can no longer see based on where it's sitting. And we didn't even paint the whole rest of the room, which is why there's so many colored still on the wall, Speaker 2 00:14:33 Which is funny because we, we do get that side of the room a lot now. So we, we probably should finish painting. We probably shouldn't Speaker 3 00:14:41 These days. It's uh, yeah, it turned out good. We did not. Um, there's two big windows on the wall. That's opposes our set or our work bench. Right. And there's no drapes or curtains or anything there. So we just took craft paper. We just taped it up over the windows. So it looks like we're under construction in here kind of, but to keep the weird light out, you know, during the day when we're shooting it, uh, it works pretty good. Um, so we painted half of the room and then we decided we needed when we needed cabinets. Right. We needed cabinets and a countertop storage. We needed storage. We needed a place to start putting things. And we sourced these cabinets from the cabinet design center, par lumbers cabinet design center or part design center. And these are an industrial grade metal cabinet. And, um, they're nice, very nice. We, we spread them out on the, the back wall or the focal wall and, um, and it makes a pretty nice backdrop as well as being user-friendly and we can store stuff in there. Speaker 2 00:15:49 Yeah, yeah. In the, so after that, our very first, I mean, technically our very first project was paint, but our very first build project was this work bench we're standing at right now. Speaker 3 00:16:01 Yeah. I mean, you're right. This was the first build. Wasn't it? We had, we had these base cabinets, these three base cabinets with a butcher block countertop on top of it that came all from the cabinet supply place we had that pulled away from the wall out here. And we used that as a tabletop to build this workbench. Yes. And then we built this when you'll see this workbench video, the build of this work bench video is on our website. Um, but we built this and this again was a weekend warriors style, heavy duty work bench. And this thing, Corey is a tank. Speaker 2 00:16:42 It is absolutely a tank. We build it. The top is three quarter inch AC plywood. The frame is two by six ladder frame that we framed. Like you would have a floor. Yep. And it's held up on each corner by four by four dug for posts that post down to the floor. And then we also have a lower shelf, a lower shelf built out of two by six and the fairy front, the very front, the one thing you see from the camera is a four by eight sheet of three quarter inch AC that we screwed to the face. And we actually stenciled our logo on there. We did by hand. Speaker 3 00:17:22 And I, uh, yeah, we stencil it on there. I, I ran the logo through my cricket. I have cricket, which cuts out vinyl adhesive vinyl, and I cut the whole logo out and we stuck it down on there trying to keep it as straight as possible. And then we painted it by hand peeled that stencil often, this is what we had and it turned out really good. Speaker 2 00:17:46 I know. So good. And you get a chance to go watch that video, Speaker 3 00:17:49 Watch that video. It's a good one for sure. Speaker 2 00:17:51 It's if you go to YouTube and just search Parr lumber, uh, our YouTube channel will come up so we can warriors home improvement show. And that video is, was published on October 28th, 20, 20. Oh, Speaker 3 00:18:08 Wow. Yeah, that was yeah. Speaker 2 00:18:10 A ways ago. That was a while ago, Speaker 3 00:18:12 A year and a half ish almost or Speaker 2 00:18:14 So, but, uh, the very next project after that, do you remember what that was Tony? Yeah. Speaker 3 00:18:18 Uh, we put that tongue and groove that wood treatment on the wall, um, around the cabinets, uh, which, yeah, it's it was like, we got it at the habitat for humanity restore. It was just a little pack of like, it's blue, like closet logging, Speaker 2 00:18:35 But it's a blue and buggy pine. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:18:37 Blue buggy pine. And so it was super cheap. I mean, it, it costs almost nothing and it was a small pack, which was just enough to do what we needed to do. And so we pulled it apart and, and nailed it up onto the wall and it makes a really nice, um, it makes a nice backdrop for what we're doing in here. Yeah. Yeah. And th yeah, that was a super simple, another one of those super simple projects. Right. Um, the things that you need to make sure you do is you need to make sure that your first course goes down very level. If your first course goes down level. And every course after that is seated nice and tight, and you follow it with your level, you know, every two or three courses, check it with your level, make sure it's still level. Then you can't really go wrong. It's really just about cutting pieces to length and putting them in and staggering, your butt joints. Really, if you staggered your butt joints and you don't end up with a continuous seam up anywhere, then it's going to end up turning out and looking really good. And, and ours did. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:19:41 Uh, this product particularly is very similar to most tongue and groove products out there that come in are what's called random length. They, you get pieces that are between eight inches and six foot long in this particular product, which is very common in random length. Like if you've ever done a wood floor, right. Ran wood floors, coming random links from six inches to four to five foot, just depends on, you know, how you put that pattern together. You don't want to seems to be too close Speaker 3 00:20:12 Together. Right. And a lot of people think I don't want to use those short ones. Well, if that's, there's no sense in not using the short ones, it's a random pattern it's intended to be used that way. You wouldn't want to get random links, uh, use all of the longs and, you know, try to return to shorts or something like that. That's, it's not the way it works. You use them all equally and random and the random pattern looks good. Um, here's something else I'm noticing those blue W's this is the funniest thing ever. We're at the habitat for humanity restore. And there's just this piece of like half, three. Yeah. Leaning only half by three in the molding area. And it's the, it's our blue it's weekend warrior blue. It's like P yeah. Pre-painted yeah. It's ancient. It's been up on a house, an old house pulled down and sold to the habitat or donated to the habitat for humanity resort. Speaker 3 00:21:08 And it was leaning up there. And I don't know, it was like 10 bucks or something. And I was like, I love this blue. We have to find something to do with this. And, uh, because it was the right color. So we bought it and brought it home and we thought about it and thought about it and thought about it. And then one day we decided to cut it in half and use it to make these little W's. And we just put the W's up in the corner. I don't even know if people can see them. We have so much stuff stacked up in front of now, but we should probably Mount them. We didn't actually, that's not even a video. We didn't even shoot that. I don't think, I don't think we did the making of the Ws, but we should Mount them with a little, uh, yeah, like a little thing in the back that holds them up. Speaker 3 00:21:46 Maybe just like a foot, we just attach a foot to the bottom of them. I know we're coming up with ideas as we're sitting here anyways. It's very funny. Um, and then I think we built, you know, maybe one of the last projects before we go, which we can talk about as soon as we come back, is that really cool, um, drill. What do you call that toolkit? It's a tool caddy. That's hanging on the wall that holds tapes and Sanders and batteries and all of our well tools. And that's a very cool, we can talk about how easy it was to build that. As soon as we come back and some of our other projects that we've done since we've been here, all kinds of fun, check it out. Of course, at WW home show, or it's a go to click on the weekend words. Like it'll take you to our website. Okay. We've got to take a very quick break. When we come back more from the weekend warriors workshop, you're listening to Tony and Corey, your weekend warriors. We'll be right back Speaker 1 00:23:06 You're listening to the weekend. Warriors home improvement, Joe built by Parr lumber. Now here's Tony and Corey Speaker 3 00:23:21 Hey, welcome back to the weekend. Warriors home improvement show built by Parr lumber today. We're in the studio. We're at our weekend warriors. We're not, yeah, we're in the weekend workshop a little bit different. We're recording on location today out of our, out of, outside of our studio. Um, but real quick, if you ever miss any portion of our podcast or our show, and you want to go Speaker 2 00:23:44 Listen to it, you can anywhere where you listen to podcasts, you can go check that out. Uh, just searched Parr lumber, or search the weekend warriors home improvement show. And, uh, you can download or subscribe. However that works. Speaker 3 00:23:57 Uh, also our email address, Speaker 2 00:23:59 Our email address, if you want to email us questions, comments, photos of projects that you've worked on it's weekend [email protected]. So feel free to do that. Uh, so today Tony, we're sitting in the workshop, what we're calling our weekend warrior workshop, where we're basically pimping this thing out. We're, we're making it a really cool workshop. Yeah. We started with this work bench that we're sitting on. That is a absolute beast. It really is. And the next project that we did because Makita Makita tools was nice enough to send us a pile of Makita Speaker 3 00:24:38 Tools. I mean, at this point, technically two Speaker 2 00:24:40 Piles. Yeah. We have so many Makita tools with another Speaker 3 00:24:43 Pile coming. It's Speaker 2 00:24:44 Amazing. Yeah, we love them, but we didn't have anywhere to really keep them. So we needed an organizer. We made what we call a tool caddy. We had some scrap plywood left around from another project that we did and we ripped it and we cut it and we made little cubbies and it hangs on the wall. It holds our Makita chargers. We've got about 10 Makita batteries that we stash on there. Uh, there's two double chargers. So you can put charge four batteries at one time. Then all of the tools we made slots for about five different tools that hang underneath and hang down six, six tool, six tools. Uh, let's talk a little bit about those tools. We got a, uh, we got a sander over there. We got a multi-tool. Yup. We got a router of vacuum. Speaker 3 00:25:32 Yep. It's the router is a mini little router. It's like a trim laminate router. It's kind of like a laminate trimmer, but, but it's actually has some more router functions. It's a very cool, versatile little tool. Um, we have, uh, a regular drill, which also has a hammer drill function, a drill driver, right. A drill driver. We have an impact driver that is hanging over there. We have a jigsaw hanging over there, which is a cool, um, and also more, more recently, what we've received is a pin nailer and a finish nailer. Right. Which, uh, we put to use a little bit at one of our last projects. We've been Speaker 2 00:26:19 Very excited to get those because we don't need an air compressor that use Makita batteries. They don't use any sort of fuel cell. You just load your nails in it, you plug in the battery and it just works. Yeah. And it's amazing. Speaker 3 00:26:33 Another really cool thing that we got from Makita is that light that's sitting over there that, um, that light is super duper bright. It's an led light runs off of the exact same battery that every other tool we've just mentioned to you runs off of, they all use the exact same battery and all the batteries use the same charger. So we just pull a battery out of our drill, plug it into the led work light and light the place up. And that thing is super. Speaker 2 00:27:06 We need extra light. We know where to get it for sure. Yeah. Uh, we also have a rear handled, saw a circular saw seven and a quarter circular saw. Yep. That's right. We also have a track saw Makita makes a it's a plunge saw. Yeah, it's a plunge saw, but it also, the footplate on that plunge saw works perfectly with this track that it comes with. And what you do is you put it on a piece of wood that you need to cut and you plunge it down. And as you ride along the track, it cuts in a perfectly straight line. Yes. It's the next best thing to cutting with a table saw? Speaker 3 00:27:42 Absolutely. And it's very versatile. You, you can have a one four foot section of track or two, four foot sections of track. Um, you can cut the entire length of a piece of plywood, lay the plywood out, lay the track down the two pieces of track fastened together. And to end take that plunge saw on one end of the track, it fits right into the groove. Uh, and, and you just run that thing right along, plunge it down and run it right along that track and get the absolute most perfect straight line. It is one of my favorite tools. It is a great, great tool. I'll tell you what one of my favorite tools is. Um, and of course the chop saw which we have here. This cordless chop saw runs on two 18 volt batteries. This chop saw is amazing, first of all, but not even just the chop saw, but the HEPA vacuum that works alongside it. Let's talk for a second about how that vacuum works and also touch on the Bluetooth capable. Speaker 2 00:28:44 Yeah. The vacuum itself connects to almost all of the tools. They all have a dust ports on them and you just plug the hose into each of the tools and they have a Bluetooth compatibility thing where you put a chip, you program, a chip that comes with it. It's like a little a USB thumb drive. And so you plug it into your tool, you plug it into the Makita vacuum and you turn the vacuum on in that, syncs it with your tool. So when you pull the trigger on your tool, the vacuum kicks on automatically. So you don't have to worry or forget or remember. Speaker 3 00:29:23 And then when you release the trigger on your tool yup. Speaker 2 00:29:27 As it turns off, and I'll tell you what the dust collection capabilities of that vacuum are incredible. Speaker 3 00:29:36 It is a HEPA filtered vacuum, right? So it's definitely picking up, it's picking up some, some very fine particles and doing a really good job, which Speaker 2 00:29:46 In a workshop such as this, we don't really have any direct doors to outside. Right. We don't have any other filtration. Uh, so it keeps the dust down dramatically. Speaker 3 00:29:58 We keep it pretty permanently attached to the chop saw, but it it's easy to disconnect a clip disconnect and we're hooking it up to the track, saw, uh, run the tracks off and then just put the vacuum right back runs also on the same batteries as all of the other tools. Right. Very cool. That all the tools run on the same battery, including this tool right here, all tools run on the same battery and we have got batteries. Speaker 2 00:30:24 We've got someone tool in the room that doesn't, Speaker 3 00:30:27 That would be you. Oh, I got to you before you. I got stuck. Um, yeah, it's interesting. I'll tell you what I wish we had these machines. I wish we started shooting YouTube videos already. Having all of these tools. Speaker 2 00:30:41 Well, Mikita realized after they saw the quality of our videos. Speaker 3 00:30:45 Yes they did. They saw that they decided that they wanted to have their tool in our hands when, whenever we were on YouTube or whatever, Makita. Uh, also it's interesting to me, um, you know, I remember our first few subscribers of course, was your mom and my mom and my wife actually wouldn't subscribe and surest did. Um, so our first two subscribers and how cool it was that we were, you know, getting subscribers. And I felt like the subscribers came on over the course of the next couple of years, um, steady, but slow and steady a few at a time, one, one a week or one every couple of weeks, maybe. Um, but they've been coming on quite a bit stronger recently. We are, um, we are headed for a thousand subscribers, um, headed strong there. I remember when we hit 500 Speaker 2 00:31:43 And it wasn't that long ago. It wasn't that long ago. So we're, we're north of 700. We're we're closing in on a thousand. Speaker 3 00:31:49 That's going to be a big day for me. I think I'm going to consider a thousand followers or subscribers on our YouTube channel. I'm going to consider that something success Speaker 2 00:31:58 Story. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:32:00 Uh, and that's been a lot of fun to see that grow, but not as much fun as actually shooting the videos. We, man, we have shot a lot of very cool videos. Speaker 2 00:32:08 We didn't even talk about R chop saw work bench over here. We made a miter saw workbench that, uh, up until recently we've been using one of the extra cabinets we had when we built this cool backdrop in this studio. It was just barely fit. It was so small, this little cabinet, it was low in the saw, barely fit on it. Speaker 3 00:32:31 And we had to pull it away from the wall because it's a slide compound. Right. And the slide, you know, needs the lecture room to work. So, uh, yeah, it was not a really good situation. It was stable, but there was not no room on either Speaker 2 00:32:45 Side of the feed table saw to work Speaker 3 00:32:47 With. So it was, it was bare minimum. Speaker 2 00:32:50 So we set out to design and build a work bench for the chop saw and I think it turned out perfect. It's extremely stout. We made it out of four by fours, two by four, two by six, uh, and half inch or three quarter inch plywood, three quarter three, Speaker 3 00:33:11 When we added quarter inch tempered hardboard for a nice hop of that slips. Super slick surface. Speaker 2 00:33:18 Yeah. Then in the second video we built a kind of a rip fence, not a rip fence, but a fence to go on the outfield tables. There's one to the left one to the right. So it really turned out, well, you can go check that out on our YouTube channel. Speaker 3 00:33:35 I think it's funny about this video because, you know, we were talking earlier about how we're not afraid to show our, our mistakes, you know, so many mistakes on that. And we definitely made mistakes on this project. But, uh, one of the things that I loved about it was we built, we started to build it. We had the first two tables built with one table left to go and we set the two tables up over here and we threw the level on it. The level goes on, it was not level. I mean, it was not even close to level. We couldn't figure out what was going on. And then until we put the level on the floor and realized that the floor wasn't level, so what we decided to do Corey decided to do was go get some, some leveling feet. And so we ordered some leveling feet when then we drilled holes in the bottoms of all the legs added the leveling feet and then went through and leveled the thing from, from left to right. It's eight feet long. And there are 12 legs, you know? So, uh, we put a leveling foot on, every leg, went back through it, leveled them all up and now it is as level as you want it to be. Speaker 2 00:34:39 Yeah. I'll tell you what, we basically built that thing out of one sheet of three quarter inch plywood. Yup. Three, four by four posts and 4, 5, 2 by four, eight footers or six, five, that's it? Yeah. I mean, we built this thing for less than $200 and it is extremely stout. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:35:05 It was very annex. Even at today's prices. It was very inexpensive to build. Uh, and it it's really cool. It's one of my favorite pieces. The last part about it is that it's very, very functional. Speaker 2 00:35:17 Let's talk about the paper caddy. Oh, Hey, this was born out of necessity. Yeah. Tony and I like to draw out our projects sometimes in full-scale we'll get the pen and paper. We'll draw things out. And before we would kind of draw them on top of our work bench right. In the plywood. Speaker 3 00:35:35 Yeah. I mean, that thing was littered drawings. We were looking for empty spaces to draw Speaker 2 00:35:41 And you get to that point, you know, you either sand it off or you paint it or something. Yeah. So we came up with this idea to get a roll of craft paper. It's 30, 30 inches wide. The paper is, is 36, I think 36 inches wide by a hundred foot long. So we built, we designed and built a paper caddy that sits on the end of our work bench with a dowel rod that essentially holds our paper. And then as we fill it up, we cut it off and we tear, you know, we tear it off and then we roll more paper out. Yep. Just like I look at a doctor's Speaker 3 00:36:19 Yep. We've actually been, uh, we have actually been cutting the project out of the paper and then just saving it, pinning it up on the wall. It's kind of funny to see some of our projects, we'll actually be able to get some decent photos of those, you know, and, uh, maybe we could, maybe we could get some decent photos and frame them and make them, you know, do it the right way. Like eight by 10 frames, not 24 by 36 frames, you know, shrink them down. Yeah. But we can turn that into something. Cool. A little piece of something. Um, yeah, this is a great little caddy. It was a really nice addition to this table. Uh, and a lot of the things that we've done in since we've been in this studio have been great Speaker 2 00:37:02 More out of necessity. We needed a work bench. We needed the work bench for the chop saw we needed the paper caddy. We needed the tool catty, but we've done some fun things too over the years. Oh yeah. I wish we had this workshop for, we built and this was one of our most popular videos that we ever did of all time. I remember when it hit 500 views and we were so happy. And right now it's currently sitting at almost 10,000. It was our corn hole boards. Speaker 3 00:37:31 We actually shot that video at the Newburgh par location during the remodel. So it was after hours. It was like 10 o'clock or 11 o'clock at night. We're in there ripping plywood, ribbon plywood inside the store where a little holes where it was being remodeled. Yeah. That was, I mean, at least it was warm and we had good light and space. Speaker 2 00:37:55 Yeah. It, you know, uh, I'll tell you right now, if you want to build, if you've ever thought about building your own corn hole boards, it is so simple. All you need is one sheet of plywood. It actually, with one sheet of plywood, you can get away in bill two sets, Speaker 3 00:38:10 Two sets. Yeah. One sheet of plywood makes two sets. Speaker 2 00:38:13 Yep. One for you, one for your friend. That's right. So one should apply with, even though plywood is a bit expensive. We recommend using M D O plywood. In my opinion, it's the best it's got a paper face on it. So it's super smooth. It's the same thing they make road signs out of. So it's no imperfections, Speaker 3 00:38:30 Exterior grade, no fiber, no fibrous surface where a little sliver is trying to catch your Speaker 2 00:38:36 Bags. I know you've played on, if you're a corn wholer you've played on boards or somebody made them out of rough CDX plywood or something. Oh yeah. And the corn bags just stick, throw them in. They stick. That's not how it's supposed to work. Speaker 3 00:38:49 No, you don't even want to play that way. They're supposed Speaker 2 00:38:51 To sly. Yeah. And the nice part about MDL is you can paint it. You can just go get some, some semi gloss or some gloss, paint yourself and paint, whatever color you want, whatever design you want. Or you can put a vinyl wrap on it, which I did for my set. I did for Tony. Yeah. The ones that, Speaker 3 00:39:09 Um, my most amazing set of corn hole boards ever Speaker 2 00:39:12 Made ever with the amazing, Speaker 3 00:39:15 Amazing Spiderman on a yeah. Vinyl wrap on there. It's I mean, honestly, I've been using them, um, every year for years, uh, camping, and they're starting to show a little bit of wear, but man, oh man, are they stout? That's a really well-built set of board. Speaker 2 00:39:31 That's exactly why we did a video on it. It is a weekend warrior project through and through one sheet of plywood and like four, two by four, 10 footers, we'll build you two sets and bolts will probably cost you a hundred bucks. Yeah. And if you go out online and you try to find your own pair, a lot of stores sell them for 200 plus. Speaker 3 00:39:56 Yeah. And that's just plain little cost prohibitive. Yeah. And they make some, you know, if you're serious about getting a set of corn hole boards, uh, you will be unhappy sometimes with some of the quality of some of the boards that are out there. Yeah. I mean, they are just not built to last, but you build it out a two by four and half inch plywood. And that, that set of boards will last you for a very long. Speaker 2 00:40:22 Yep. There's a, if you don't, if you don't know this, if you're not a super corn wholer, but you do want to make your own set. There is something called the American cornhole association, the ACA you can go to their website and they actually give you the exact dimensions that the cornhole board is supposed to be. They give you the exact angle. They gave you everything. So if you want to make them true, ACA, cause we got a little flack on our YouTube channel. People were saying those aren't ACA you know, you have to put a cross beam and I'm like, okay, whatever. Yeah, these are my style and they work great. These Speaker 3 00:40:59 Are weakened warrior style, Speaker 2 00:41:02 Corn hole boards, not ACA compatible. Speaker 3 00:41:05 Yeah. As long as we make sure we, uh, we tell everybody, this is weekend warrior style, then we make the rules. That's right. They can't say, Speaker 2 00:41:13 Uh, well, you know, one of the other projects Tony, that we did that I really, really enjoyed doing was with our gal, Aaron, oh, Aaron and Aaron Harding with clever balloon lever bloom. We went to her living room. We packed up and we recorded some videos in her living room and we made some projects. Speaker 3 00:41:30 Yeah. We made several, actually some really cool stuff. We Speaker 2 00:41:33 Built a hanging plant shelf using fence boards. And if you look at the fence board, the project itself, we use to bike, to pick at Cedar pickets and like two fence boards. And that's it. And I think the whole project costs twenty-five dollars or less. And it's very cool, very stout strong. You can hang it from the ceiling. The idea is to hang this hanging plant shelf in front of a window. So it hangs down and is able to get sun. And then you put your hanging plants on it and they drape over the edge and super simple. Yeah. Through highly recommend making one Speaker 3 00:42:12 Crew bolt. I islets that, uh, that bolted right through the, the shelf and, and uh, with nuts on the backside, it doesn't get any stronger than that. And, uh, and chain up on the top to attach to some hooks in the ceiling. It was, it was very cool. I liked the little air plant holders that we made. We made a whole bunch of little different air plant holders. Yeah. Let's write some out of copper wire and, and some little pieces of cotton. Speaker 2 00:42:40 Great. We made them out of concrete. We made a little wooden form. That was about two inches by two inches. We lined it with, um, foil tape. Yeah. Tape like tin, foil tape. And then we made a really thin concrete mix. We poured it in, let it cure and they turned out so cool. Speaker 3 00:43:01 I really did. I thought they were really meat. They were very simple, very inexpensive to make. And uh, and they were creative. Yeah. And in the end, Erin already had the air plants to put in them and they looked Speaker 2 00:43:14 Really neat. Do you remember the third project we did with Aaron? Speaker 3 00:43:17 Um, I'll give you, Speaker 2 00:43:19 Okay. It was built with one fence board. Speaker 3 00:43:23 It was like just a box. Wasn't it just a box. I'm like, I dunno. It was about 12 inches long, maybe five inches tall, five inches wide, maybe what do we put it? Oh, I remember we put in there a little potted Speaker 2 00:43:36 Plants and we put little, Speaker 3 00:43:37 Three little potted plants in there that it fit three terracotta pots just perfectly. Speaker 2 00:43:41 It was like a, four-inch like a center piece on a table. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:43:44 That was a very rustic, Speaker 2 00:43:46 It was Cedar centerpiece. It looked really cool. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:43:50 I was excited to get her hands on, uh, the nails and the hammer and start, you know, building the thing. And we were just excited to be learning more about plants and it was, uh, it was a really good day. It was a great day of shooting that day. Speaker 2 00:44:04 It was a great day. That day of shooting that day was a great day day. Speaker 3 00:44:07 It was a Speaker 2 00:44:08 Day, day, a great day. Now our listeners know why I call you Tony two times. Yeah. You know, Tony, uh, two times, um, one of the, one of the other projects that we did, uh, we didn't actually have a studio at that time was another one of my favorites, the wild hog planter Speaker 3 00:44:26 Box. Oh man. Those turned out great. Speaker 2 00:44:28 It's we, we essentially made we're in your backyard. Yep. We made a climbing trellis planter box. So it was almost like a, a, a raised garden bed. Right, right. We use two by 10 rough sawn, Cedar. It was the, the Speaker 3 00:44:45 Base engine three quarters stick. Right. Speaker 2 00:44:47 And we made it basically just a rectangle. And then we erected from that a tall six foot tall wire mesh panel from wild hog. Wild hog makes them there. They come in several different colors from painted black to gray, bronze. So you can kind of choose your own and do your own thing. But, uh, they make a track. So we use track on two by fours when we had a frame and we screwed the whole thing together with, with headlocks fastened, masters and master hemlocks. Yep. And it turned out amazing. And I tell you what, that thing sits in my backyard and we put a climbing Clematis in it. Yeah. And it's a special Clematis that doesn't lose its leaves. It's evergreen. And it's really nice to look at all year round. It becomes, it's starting to get really full. Speaker 3 00:45:37 It really is starting to fill up. I saw the last time I was over there, I actually took an extra long look at it because I love that trellis slash planter box. And you were jealous. Yes. I am jealous. Every time we build something that's amazing. And it ends up in your backyard. I'm jealous. Speaker 2 00:45:55 You got the table. Speaker 3 00:45:56 Oh, that's true. I did get the table. That maybe was the biggest one. Speaker 2 00:46:00 Well, it was five videos. It span five videos. It was everything I have spanned 30 minutes. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:46:07 It was a great shot. I like the, uh, I liked the bird feeder that we made recently. And honestly this video has probably not still made it to the website. I'm sure it's in post-production because it's only been a few weeks ago, but that was a very fun, inexpensive build. Speaking of builds that we did with a single fence fence board, we did that with one fence board, like a 12 inch long piece of string, um, some little nails Speaker 2 00:46:34 And an empty Speaker 3 00:46:35 Wine bottle and an empty wine bottle, which is free. I guess if you, Speaker 2 00:46:41 You know, it depends on how you classify free. Speaker 3 00:46:45 Anyways, it turned out really good. You fill it up with a bird seed and turn it upside down inside this little house thing. Um, anyways, that will be showing up on our website eventually. And it will be a great little video that you'll love. But, um, if you haven't checked out the website, you should definitely go check it out. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:47:05 And if you, if you want to get a hold of us in any way, shape or form, shoot us an email it's weekend [email protected]. Make sure you go to our YouTube channel, subscribe, go follow us on our Instagram and Facebook. We are at WW home show, Speaker 3 00:47:26 WW home, right? That's our website. So go like this and follow. Awesome. Thanks so much for tuning in. We really appreciate you. This has been another episode of your weekend warriors right here on the weekend warrior radio network. Have a great week.

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