All About Sheds

Episode 601 June 01, 2023 00:31:17
All About Sheds
The Weekend Warriors Home Improvement Show
All About Sheds

Jun 01 2023 | 00:31:17


Hosted By

Tony Cookston Corey Valdez

Show Notes

If you're considering building a shed on your property then you need to listen to this episode.  Tony and Corey break down all the things you should consider when building a shed.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:04 Welcome to the Weekend, warriors Home Improvement Show, built by Par Lumber when it comes to big or small projects around the home. Tony and Corey, you've got the know-how and the answers to make your life just a bit easier. Here they are, your weekend Warriors, Tony and Corey. Speaker 2 00:00:24 Hey, welcome to the Weekend, Speaker 1 00:00:25 Warriors Home Improvement Speaker 2 00:00:27 Show podcast, built by Par Lumber. I'm Corey Valdez. And I'm Tony Crookston. Thanks for checking us out today. We've got another great show lined up for you. We're gonna be talking about things to consider when building a shed. This is one of our favorite topics because Tony and I love building sheds. If you ever need one, just give us a call. We'll go wherever <laugh>, just build it. I do enjoy building a shed <laugh>. It's, uh, I feel like that it's just enough of just enough work skill. Yeah, just enough skill that's required in order to accomplish it. And yet it's not a long project, so, you know, you, you're not tied to it for a long time. And then when you're done, you've created something that's extremely usable and cool looking on top of that Yeah. And on your property. So yeah, it, uh, it checks a lot of boxes for me. Speaker 2 00:01:19 It's a great project. I've built probably five sheds in my lifetime for friends and myself. And I remember the very first one that I built was pretty shoddy, honestly. And the one that we're sitting in right now is that we've converted to our recording studio. Yeah. And this one, by far is the best one I've ever built. But I don't know if, you know, if I ever built another one, it might be even better. You think so? I don't know. You may have, you may have peaked. You may have peaked on this one. Peaked. That's probably true. This is a very nice shed. It really is. I'm not sure I could get much better than this, but if, uh, there, there are many things to consider when you're building a shed. You know, I put a lot of time and effort into the design of this one. Speaker 2 00:02:07 I kind of knew what I wanted it to look like, and my wife was totally against it. When we moved into this house, it was this crappy little lean too type shed <laugh> right outside the door. Red had remember that it was very shallow. Oh, was, yeah. It was only like four feet deep and the door was on the long side. Like it was on one foot by eight foot, basically. Yeah. It was weird. It was weird. Get a front porch on it. Yeah. Getting down to the end of it to get the stuff that was at the end and you trying to get it back was impossible. You had to unload the whole shed. Yeah. To get the, get your thing. Yeah. And then load all the stuff back in. Yeah. It was miserable. It was miserable. And the doors were stuck, you know, you had to really refund 'em. Speaker 2 00:02:48 It didn't lock very well. It had a big window. It had a front porch in a weird, it did have a porch front Porsche. Just so bizarre. It was, it was unique, but not user-friendly. So when I came up with the design for the one that we're sitting in right now, it's 10 foot by I think 18 foot, which is under the, you know, threshold for permits. I didn't have to get a permit for this, however, I did run electricity. So there's all of that involved. Um, so that's one of the things you need to consider is the purpose. What, what are you building the shed for? It's funny, because this shed not being used for the purpose, right. That you built it for <laugh>, you built it to intentionally to be someplace you could store, um, things. Right. And, and then you, and then you cut it in half and made half of it a recording studio and the other half you store stuff in. Speaker 2 00:03:45 So it's interesting that what, what your original intention for this was is not, not no longer what it's being used for. Yeah. It's, uh, it's fine. I mean, I definitely, when I designed it, I definitely designed it for the space. I wanted tons of storage space and not considering that we would ever convert this to a recording studio. It definitely has put a cramp on my storage <laugh>. Yeah, for sure. But, um, anyway, that's kind of one of the tips that I always give when people think about building a shed or any sort of storage space, is to go bigger than you would ever imagine. Yeah. That's the thing. When you decide what it is you're using it for, and then you decide how much space you need for that purpose, then you need to make it bigger than that <laugh>. Yes. Because it, because we have a tendency to, I'm, I'm struggling with this right now with my master bed and bathroom remodel. Speaker 2 00:04:43 I'm, I'm mapping out the exact space and I don't wanna l waste any space, so I'm figuring it. Exactly. Exactly. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, and then when you go and put the thing together, you, you realize that you'd rather have an extra two inches at the end of the tub between the tub and the wall. You know, you don't want it to fit exactly in there. So, um, it makes sense to build in buffers. Yeah. That's the thing about storage is when you fill it up or, or you'll always fill it up for one, and then you'll always need more space to put more in. That's just the way it is. And if you're building either a, you know, for storage or a workspace, maybe you're building it for a workspace, you're never, you're always gonna need more room or a combination. Or what if you're putting a shop like a wood shop? Speaker 2 00:05:32 You use your shed, Tony, as a workshop. Yeah. Is there enough room in there? No. <laugh>? No. It's definitely not even close. No, it's not big enough. Um, I do get projects accomplished in there, um, but I'm constantly tripping over myself, tripping over stuff. I'm having to rearrange and move things out of the way. So yeah, it's not ideal, but it was what I had and I didn't want to have the saddest in the garage, so that's what I did. Yeah. If you have time, or I'm sorry, if you have the space, I would just go bigger. If you're thinking six by eight, maybe consider 10 by, you know, eight by 10 or 10 by 12 or 12 by 16, 16 or something. You know, find out. That's the other thing is find out jurisdiction wise, what you're allowed to do. Sometimes there's setbacks. You have to be a certain, you know, amount of feet away from your neighbor or your fence or your property line. Speaker 2 00:06:26 Sometimes there's fire codes that you have to consider if you're putting in electricity. Sometimes you'll have to go, you know, you have to get permits and a professional electrician to come out and run those electrical lines. You have to get it inspected. Those are just all kinds of things that you need to consider where you're, you know, when you're building a shed. And then the next thing is the location, because that's also, you know, rolled into why, why and where. <laugh>, you know, if you're building a workshop, you know, and if you, and you're sitting on five acres, are you gonna put it in the back, back, back corner? How are you gonna get lumber there? How are you gonna get tools there? How are you gonna get that table saw back there? Well, well, if you are concerned about getting unwanted visitors, right. If you are concerned that people are gonna come to the shed when you don't want them, then it makes sense to put it in the back section of your property because it gives you more time to flee, uh, when you see them coming across the, you know, the long trek towards the shop. Speaker 2 00:07:33 That's right. But I mean security, that, that's actually one of the things on our list is security. You need to think about that when you're designing your shit. If you're putting thousands and thousands or tens of thousands of dollars worth of hobby equipment in there, or woodworking tools or whatever, is it gonna be, is it gonna have a security alarm? Are you gonna have windows in it? You're definitely gonna need some sort of light. Right. Maybe consider skylights, you know, where you're putting it on the property really determines the security of that building. And then once you decide where it's gonna be, the other thing is, of course, if you're putting it on your property and there are setbacks, which I think you mentioned, you have to make sure that you're minding your setbacks. It's gotta be a certain amount of feet off of the property line. Speaker 2 00:08:18 Um, a certain amount of feet from any roadway. That kind of stuff is important. Yeah. But a af as after you've decided where you want it to be, you need to decide how you're going to start building it. What kind of a foundation is gonna be under it. That also goes back to what are you're using it for. If you were going to park, um, your motorcycle or some of your, um, all trained vehicles or a car or something back there, then it makes really good sense to pour a concrete, um, pad and build it on a concrete pad. But if you are, um, if you're, if it's, that's not, that's not what you're doing, then maybe you want something that's a little less formal and it's gonna be gravel and you're gonna build it on pier blocks, uh, you know, couple of different options there. Speaker 2 00:09:04 But depending on what the things are that you want to do inside of it could help you decide how you're gonna build the foundation. Right. You know, and going back to permits, sometimes buildings out buildings, sheds of, and such are determined permits are required based on if it's a temporary structure or not. And if you're pouring footings and a slab on grade and you're putting that building on there in some jurisdictions that may be considered permanent, permanent building, and you're gonna have to pull permits and, you know, submit a design, an architectural drawing and all of these things, versus maybe just putting it on some peer pads, you might be able to avoid that. Well, you can definitely save money and, and do it faster if you were building it on pier blocks. That, and something to consider when you are, if you decide that you're gonna build it on pier blocks, you can dig down where your pier blocks are gonna be down into the ground, setting your beams on top of those piers down lower so that you are reducing the step up from the grade of the ground up into your finished shed. Speaker 2 00:10:17 Right. If you've got a lawnmower and you know, you put your shed two feet off the ground because you've got beer pads and beams and holding up a floor, well now you gotta build a ramp. Right. <laugh>. Right. That's something to consider as well. Yeah. When you're building the floor and you're trying to keep it compact, uh, you can, you can hang your joist from your beams and set your beams on your peers and have your peers dug down so that the beams are sitting at ground level without sitting on the ground. Yeah. That's a good tip. And that really, really condenses the, the structure of your shed so you don't have to step up. I would say too, for instance, uh, my shed, my shed is I kind of did that same thing. I dug down, I put peer pads, and then I have a patio that comes right up to the edge of the shed. Speaker 2 00:11:10 And so my step up is only like six inches, seven inches at the most. So I can easily pull my lawnmower in and out on that side. And I don't need any steps to get up into it. But it does on the backside, it does leave for a gap for a nice little rodent condo <laugh>. Oh, yeah. Underneath the shed. Yeah. That's, so that's something to consider. You have to have, you know, you know, you might want to consider putting in some sort of hardware cloth, what we call hardware cloth, which is just basically wire mesh or chicken wire mesh and put that down and wrap it up. I kind of wish I would've done that. I didn't think about that at the time when I built it. And I've had to have my pest company come out and they put traps and, and things like that around. Speaker 2 00:12:01 But I've noticed, you know, you can tell animals are digging up and then getting under there. Yeah. And they're camping out and making little, little colonies underneath my shed. Yeah. I, um, I solved that problem at, at my house. Very easy. I took a selfie, I printed it, and I just pasted it up right there next to that little gap. And they just don't go anywhere near it. They go, they are scared. <laugh>, they are scared of of my selfie. They, they see your face and go running. Yes. They see my face and they run to the neighbor's house. <laugh>. That's hilarious. Yeah. I mean, it doesn't work for everybody, but if you got a picture of me, you should give it a shot. <laugh>. Good to know. Good. I will try it. <laugh>. Alright, the next one to design or or to consider is the materials that you're gonna choose. Speaker 2 00:12:48 Right. There's lots of different ways to build a shed. You can buy, go buy a kit. They make these kits that are pre-built that you can buy kits that are metal. You can buy kits that are wood that you put together, or you can just buy lumber like I did and build your shed with sticks and sheets and O s B. You know, there's lots of different building methods when it comes to the siding as well. You can do T one 11, you can do single wall construction, T one 11, which means you apply the plywood siding as your wall sheathing. That is acceptable in a lot of locations. Something to consider if you are considering a pre-built shed or, you know, a shed kit or something like that. Oftentimes shed kits, um, do not have full height doors, full height walls. Um, and, and, and so you, you don't have the opportunity to be walking in without ducking your head or standing upright. Speaker 2 00:13:51 If you're my size, I mean, you know, I'm six three and if I have to walk into a shed where I can't stand upright inside there, it's a problem for me. It's annoying. If I have to duck my head every time I go through the door, it's a problem for me. So if you are considering a pre-built shed or a shed kit, make sure that you're going to be okay with the wall height and the door height, because that can be a deal breaker in my opinion. I agree. I've seen those sheds before. Those little, little shorts, small deals. And then I've seen, you know, full size big ones with, you know, full size doors and even roll up garage doors. There's lots of different options out there, but Yeah, I know what you mean. I've had those, like those metal kits that you put together and then the sliding doors, and they always so rickety, like they're gonna fall down. Speaker 2 00:14:40 Yeah. <laugh>. And they sweat too. If I've seen a bit inside of one of those, oh, the condensate water. There's condensation on the inside, which is also not good. Well, yeah, there's no insulation. No insulation all whatsoever. Yeah. Uh, yeah. So tha that's also a consideration when you're thinking about materials is are you gonna insulate this thing? Do you want it insulated? Do you want it heated? Do you want it cooled it? Any sort of climate control, you kind of want to have it you, while you certainly want to have it insulated. Absolutely. So you do want to have it insulated. And you also wanna make sure that it's vented. You know, we vent the roof on our house so that the heat that gets trapped in the attic space can get out. And then fresh air comes in through the eaves and, and the hot air goes out through the roof fence in the top of the roof. Speaker 2 00:15:32 The same principle stands for your shed. You need to vent the roof of your shed. If you have an A frame style shed roof, you need to vent that. I, I, I built a shed and we vented, but we didn't vent enough and we ended up with, with, uh, condensation building up on the, at the peak mm-hmm. <affirmative> mm-hmm. <affirmative> and, and dripping down, like as if it had been leaking, except we didn't have rain Yeah. For the three months prior to it dripping. Yeah. Uh, down on my project. So it was, uh, the heat was causing condensation up there and then it drip down through the insulation. Yeah. And depending on how you build it, if you have va, you know, make sure you use some sort of vapor barrier moisture that's being trapped inside of that building when it, when it, when it heats up, moisture will always go from warm to cold. Speaker 2 00:16:22 Always. So you're getting hit by the sun all day, and it's cooking and it's making moisture. Right. It's evaporating water from the ground, or it's coming off of your equipment or whatever you have in there. And it's creating damp air mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then at nighttime, all of those exterior surfaces. Cool. Creating dew point, which is where the, all of that water will condensate, all that moisture will condensate, and then it'll start dripping. It'll rot out your, your framing. Yeah. Or if it's metal, it'll rust out your, your materials. It's a mess. It is. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely ventilation. It's, it seems like you would want it airtight, but that is absolutely not the case. Right. Absolutely. All right. Next one on the list is design. We talked a little bit about design, but you know, you want, I think when you're de building a shed, you want to, to design it so that it fits on your property architecturally. Speaker 2 00:17:23 Yes. You know, so it fits the style and the, and the look of your property in other buildings. Right. You know, you've got different types. You've got shed roof style, you know, gables, hip roofs, game grills, game bros. Which is that kind of that classic roof. Yeah. Barn shape. Barn shape that you would see where, you know, it's, it's like that. Now would you put that game style roof on a modern house with a cupola? Yeah. It would just look weird, wouldn't it? And with a weather vein <laugh>, a weather vein Yeah. With a, the rooster weather vein, rooster weather vein on top of your cupola on top of your game, that would look gorgeous, you know, in a farmhouse. Sure. Or, or next to a farmhouse. Yep. Absolutely. But next to a modern house. Right. Might look weird. Very important. I think that, that you match those things up. Speaker 2 00:18:07 I agree with that. Yeah. You definitely went modern, I feel like with your, with the shed that you built, the one that we're sitting in now. Very cool. Look with a shed rift style that was really deep and comes off, I don't know, four or five feet on the front. A real long covered space underneath. Yeah, you lighted that front side. I mean, it is classy. Really classy looking. I wanted, yeah. I wanted, we have a mid-century modern house, so I wanted the shed to kind of mimic more of that modern look. Yeah. Mid-century modern look. So yeah. I went with big overhang on the front. It's a shed style roof and it's, yeah. And I added lighting down lighting in there. Yeah. I wanted it. Very cool. And this was kind of, when I went back to my wife, I told her what I wanted. Speaker 2 00:18:55 I wanted a really big shed. I wanted a, you know, this 10 by 18 shed. And she was like, are you crazy <laugh>? You know, she didn't think it would look good in our backyard. So I had to go through, you know, I had to design it out. I had to draw it up. I drew it up and sketch up. Yeah. I designed the whole backyard to convince her that it would look good. Good. It's not gonna be some janky shed in the back, you know, that looks like a shed. It's gonna look like an architectural part of the backyard. Yeah. Because it's right off our kitchen. Yes. Turned out really good 25 feet from our kitchen door. You look at it all the time. Yeah. All the time. It's a nice anchor point for your, for your exterior patio lights. Yeah. That run between the house and the, and the shed. Speaker 2 00:19:37 It's a very, very good look. Absolutely. Uh, so, but yeah, design it to compliment your home. You know, also think about doors, windows, you know, what kind of doors and windows do you want to put in it? If you lived in a yellow submarine, what do you think the shed should look like? I have no idea. I'm just wondering. <laugh>. I mean, we all live in a yellow submarine, like a fish. Like that's what I'm thinking. Maybe like a Was it a Beatles thing? Yeah, it was <laugh> A beetle wouldn't be good though. Not that's, that's way before my time, bro. <laugh> beetles. Yeah. That was the nirvana generation. That's funny. <laugh>. Uh, anyway, uh, next one on the list is, again, we talked about it before, but lighting in electricity, you know, you wanna add lights, you wanna add outlets, and I would highly recommend that if you're building a shed that is of any size. Speaker 2 00:20:34 Right. Of any size. If you're putting a small shed in to store your lawn tools, I get it. You don't need electricity in there. But if you have, you know, an eight by 10 or a 10 by 12 let's, or a 10 by 20, you definitely want to consider electricity. Oh, no question. Because you can't put enough windows in there to give you enough light to see what you need to see. And at some point you're gonna want to convert it into something. For sure. You know, like, like me, I have converted half of my shed to a recording studio when I sell this house down the road. You could use this for anything. It could be a yoga studio, it could be an office, it could be whatever. Yeah. So I just recommend it, convert it, or just add electricity. You're gonna want outlets, you know, you know, for your backyard, for whatever. Speaker 2 00:21:25 I think it's awesome. I agree with you completely. Electricity in your outbuilding shed man cave, she shed, whatever it is. Uh, you're gonna want to have some electricity out there. And here's the thing, doing the work, which you can, if you are careful or paying someone to do it, it is a, it is a very small job, really, depending on where it's at com, you know, from your power source. Um, I mean, obviously if you have to ditch witch a couple of hundred yards, well that's gonna be a little bigger project. Yeah. But if you're not doing something like that, it does not have to be a very taxing or expensive project. Right. But what you'll get from having it is worth whatever price you'll pay for. For sure. Sure. All right. Next thing to consider is your budget. You know, obviously in any project you need to consider your budget. Speaker 2 00:22:18 If you're gonna pay somebody to come out and build your shed, you're gonna pay quite a bit more. Right. Which is why we're weak weekend warriors. That's right. That's why we design and we build things ourselves as much as we can. Our time is the cheapest time. That's right. It's the cheapest. And I, I pay slave labor costs. That's why Tony comes over. That's right. For pizza. That's, that's me. I'm slave and, and Coke. Yep. Pizza and coke. Pizza and Coke. Coke Zero. That's, uh, that is a great paycheck. I'm here to tell you right now, if you're me, if you're me, you know, so when you're laying out your budget, always think about, you know, it's hard to think of everything. Right? It's like any project that you've ever done, you lay it out, you try to think of everything, and then you get halfway down and you're like, oh, shoot. Speaker 2 00:23:06 You know, I forgot all of these things, or I didn't know about all of these things. But, you know, if you have the ability, if you've built one before, use that experience. There's lots of of things online you can go out and find. But, you know, from the ground up, think about permits. Think about if you need to pay somebody to do for design, you need to think about the framing, the siding, the trim, the paint, you know, the electrical outlets, everything that you're gonna put into that shed and put it in your budget. Yeah. What you're gonna put into building the shed and what you're gonna put inside the shed. You're probably gonna want to have some sort of, um, organizational scheme inside some shelving or some, um, some bench or some kind of something for Oh, yeah. Just for storage or for workspace. Speaker 2 00:23:58 Some bridge cleats. Yeah. Whatever it is that you are going to use inside the shed, you need to be thinking about that as well. That's, that is also real cost involved there. Yeah. Absolutely. All right. In the very last thing, I know this is gonna be a short show, but this is, uh, everything we've got. The, the last one on the list is maintenance. Make sure that when you're building your shed, you're building it to last because you're gonna have to maintain it. You know, I've seen a lot of little buildings that get built, you know, in the back corner of the, the, your yard proper. Yep. Property, they're not, they don't have proper drainage. They don't have proper overhangs. They have trees dumping foliage on the roof. Oh yeah. All the time. Shrubs, bees, nests, all of those things. You know, if you're gonna spend the time in the hundreds or thousands of dollars it is to build this thing. Speaker 2 00:24:55 Build it. Right. You know, consider keeping it up. Cleaning, painting, repairs, you know, it's, uh, it's just part of the program, in my opinion, landscaping around it, making sure that you're keeping trees and brushes and things from growing up against it because, uh, you know, that'll tear it up quickly. Cause it to, to rot and fall apart. Yeah. Keeping it, keeping it well groomed, maintained, painted, all of those things is in protecting that investment and making you enjoy it and keeping it viable for so many more years. And, you know, part of that goes too into the materials. Again, if you're choosing materials that are cheap, if you're just buying them because they're cheap, or you're going with the least expensive product because you don't care, you just want to get it on there. Right. Siding, for instance. Yeah. Don't use cdx. Yeah. Or Waferboard siding. Speaker 2 00:25:51 I've, I've seen that. I have to put a proper siding on there. Yeah. James Hardy. Yeah. James Hardy Siding is gonna last so much longer. You can put a nice coat of paint on it. The paint lasts longer and you're just gonna be happier with it. Yeah. Even if it's lp, T one 11 or lp lap siding, smart, smart lap. Um, those are also intended for, to be used for that purpose and would look really good. Right. But even it goes down to the foundation. If you're putting peers in posts, or if you're digging holes and putting posts in the ground, that's acceptable. But make sure you're using pressure treated right. I've seen people build sheds and they just build them out of Douglas fur Right. On the ground. Right. It's not gonna last long. I absolutely guarantee you it will not last long. And another, another very important thing to consider when you're thinking about walking across the floor of your garage, your shop, and you don't want it to deflect when you're walking across it. Speaker 2 00:26:52 Well, you need to be thinking about your weight, the weight of whoever's in there with you, and the weight of all of the stuff that's sitting on that floor as well. So don't under build it. Oh, yeah. I mean, you absolutely make a good point based on what you're gonna use it for. If you're putting, like Tony said, a wood floor down, you know, are you building it into a workshop? Are you gonna be putting heavy machinery, heavy equipment? Are you gonna be rolling a car in there? Right. Or ATVs or something. You know, you take a five or 600 pound snowmobile and roll it up into your shed. Yeah. You know, what did you build that floor out of? Right. Two by six spanned eight feet, 24 on center. Yeah. If you put half inch CDX or five eight inch CDX down for the flooring, it's, I can already tell you it's not enough. Speaker 2 00:27:39 Yeah. It's not gonna last. It's not gonna work. It's gonna, it's gonna deflect, it's gonna crack and it's gonna pull apart and it's gonna be terrible. Yeah. That's a very good point. Overbuild, the floor always overbuild the floor. I agree. Two by four, two by six in the walls. I think it's perfectly acceptable depending on what you're using it for. Four by six, four by eight under the floor. Perfectly acceptable. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. All right. Well then, I mean, I like it. I, I'm picturing right now the shed that I just built in my mind, and now I'm thinking I'm, I needed to build another shed. I know. You know, one thing we didn't talk about Tony is the roof. Oh. There's lots of as considerations with the roof. What kind of roofing to put on there or, yeah. You know, I, for my shed, I did metal. Speaker 2 00:28:20 Yep. That's right. Did I did metal roofing, because I have a kind of a shallow pitch. And to put composite roofing on my shed, it's recommended to have, I think at least a three 12. Yep. You know, and I have like a two 12 pitch on my roof, a two and a half, 12 maybe, something like that. So I went to the, the metal manufacturing company and I asked, and I said, Hey, I have this, this 2 12, 2 and a half 12 pitch, and they gave me their recommendation. And there's also special installation instructions for how to install metal roofing on a shallower pitch. Yeah. You have to use this, you know, bele tape and these sorts of things. But, you know, it's something to consider. You know, I've seen people put very flat roofs down and then put the wrong roofing on there, and then down the road, wonder why it leaks. Speaker 2 00:29:15 Right? Yeah. There's, you know, they make products like rolled roofing. Um, that's not really what you want to put down. And you think to yourself, well, it's just a shed. Right. I, I've heard people say, well, it's just a doghouse. Well, if you, do, you want it to protect your pet from being wet when it's raining outside. Right. Do I mean, what are you putting in the shed? Yeah. Do you want it to be clean inside? Inside? Doesn't matter if it's just a doghouse or just a shed, you want it to be protected or you wouldn't be building it. Right. So you gotta do the roof. Right. Do you want it to be dank and all your stuff to be moldy and rusty? Right. So something that I wouldn't use Rolled roofing, something else that I wouldn't use plastic, pvc, or polycarbonate panels. Uh, also not good. Speaker 2 00:29:54 If you're gonna go with a panel type roof, it needs to be metal. If you're gonna go with Com composition, it needs to be three Tab or Architectural Roofing. Um, so don't cut corners on the roof. You will just bring you heartache. Yeah. In here. I agree. I agree. All right. That's it. All we got. I mean, if you've got any suggestions for things that we could, should consider when building a shed, yeah. Let us know. Send us an email. We're at weekend warriors That's weekend warriors P a r r. Make sure you hit up our socials. We're on YouTube. We're Home Show. Uh, we're also on an Instagram. It's at WW Home Show, Instagram and Facebook. We're putting up tons of content, so make sure you like and subscribe. And, uh, yeah. If you liked us, make sure you hit that like button down below. And if you've got an idea for a podcast that you would like to hear us talk about something particular, uh, we would love to hear about that and we would love to share our thoughts on it. Yeah. So send us an email with a topic and and we will, we'll put it on. That's right. Well, if you want a credenza, we'll build it. Yeah. <laugh>, we can do it. We can absolutely do it. All right. Thanks so much for, uh, for checking us out. We'll see you next time. Have a great week.

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