Spring Cleaning

Episode 592 September 08, 2022 00:47:50
Spring Cleaning
The Weekend Warriors Home Improvement Show
Spring Cleaning

Sep 08 2022 | 00:47:50


Hosted By

Tony Cookston Corey Valdez

Show Notes

Tips on how to get your home looking good in the spring.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:04 Welcome to the weekend. Warriors home improvement show built by bar lumber. When it comes to biggest small projects around the home, Tony Corey, you've got the know how and the answers to make your life just a bit easier. Here they are. Your weekend warriors Tony. Speaker 2 00:00:19 Hey, welcome to the weekend. Warriors home improvement show built by par lumber. I'm Corey Valdez Speaker 3 00:00:25 And I'm Tony Crookston. Speaker 2 00:00:26 Thanks for tuning in with us today. We've got another great show lined up for you. It's springtime. Spring is in the air, the warm weather's coming. So it's time to deep clean your house. Speaker 3 00:00:37 Yeah. Recently we did a show that we affectionately titled, um, spring home maintenance. Speaker 2 00:00:45 Yes. There is a lot of things to do to keep your house properly maintained, especially in the springtime. Speaker 3 00:00:51 Yeah. You come out of the wintertime and your house is in a, you know, it's in a certain way. Uh it's it's in it's wintertime way, and then you have to sort of change it over to springtime. It's kind of like storing your sweaters and taking your shorts and tank tops out of storage. Speaker 2 00:01:10 Yeah. I, you know, I do that. I have a very small closet. I have a small dresser and I take all of my winter clothes when it's time, like all my heavy flannels and all those things. And I pack 'em into tubs and basically do the, exactly, like I said, I take out all my shorts, all my short socks, even short sleeve shirts, and I bring those all out and I pack all my winter stuff away and bam, it's nice. I keep it in the attic. <laugh> Speaker 3 00:01:36 I am not even close to that organized. Well, Speaker 2 00:01:40 I have to, I mean, that's the thing is I have to, I don't have enough room in my dresser, in my closet to store everything. Speaker 3 00:01:50 Yeah. You just start putting it on the floor. That's what I do. Just <laugh> yeah, just put it on the floor piles on the floor, the floor. Yeah. Then you, you just maintain a little trail sort of through all of that stuff. So you can get to all the corners of the house. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:02:03 Sound like a hoard Speaker 3 00:02:04 <laugh> I've seen that. It's terrible. I mean, that's a real thing. Speaker 2 00:02:08 It, it is a real thing. Um, it, well, it kind of brings us to the number one thing to get started, deep cleaning your house spring cleaning call, just, you know, get after it and get it done. But the first thing you should probably do is declutter. Speaker 3 00:02:23 Yeah. Declutter. Speaker 2 00:02:24 Yeah. That is the number one that you have to declutter first, before you can spring clean and like to you were, we were talking before the show and you said the place that someone should absolutely start is in the garage. Could you actually don't really park in your garage, you use your garage as a storage area. Speaker 3 00:02:43 That's right. It's absolutely true. I mean, I'm not proud of it. Right. But that's what the garage at my house is used for. Yes. Speaker 2 00:02:50 Yeah. You have rag, you have built floor to ceiling shelving units with tubs and they're all labeled. It's actually, it's very nice. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:02:59 I've got my altering vehicles in there and uh, they're, they're in there and warm and cozy and you know, snugged. But, but honestly, when you get to, when I get to the end of winter and it's springtime, I have boxes on top of stuff, boxes on top of boxes. My golf clubs are on top of that. You know, <laugh> a lot of the things that I don't use in the summertime don't get properly stored. And so if I start in the house to declutter the house and I'm removing the things from the house that I'm not gonna be using over the next few months during spring and summer, well, the only place for them to go for me is in the garage, in the garage. I mean, unless you have a, a place to store them inside the house, but, um, I don't. So when I'm storing things from the house, they get stored in the garage and I can't put anything in my garage unless I start by cleaning my garage. Speaker 2 00:03:55 Yeah. It's not a bad place to, I mean, you have to start somewhere and I guess for you, it would be your garage. And for me, I do have a storage room that we built in our attic and it's all nicely laid out with shelving and all that. We've got all the tubs that fit in there. Yeah. The only us, it would be that spot. Speaker 3 00:04:12 Yeah. The only thing you don't have is an attic ladder. Speaker 2 00:04:15 I don't, but my attic storage, my big attic storage is accessible by a door in our bonus room. And the other one. Yeah. The other one we have to put a ladder in and Speaker 3 00:04:26 The other one, you have to use an attic, Tony to get all of Speaker 2 00:04:30 The stuff up. I know whenever you come to my house, I'm like, Hey, you got a minute, can you stand on the top of this ladder while I hand you things? Yeah. That is on my to-do list actually is to, to frame in an attic access ladder. Speaker 3 00:04:43 Yeah. You know, that is something that is very convenient. Right. Um, having to grab a ladder and situate it underneath the hole so that you can get yourself and whatever you're carrying up there Speaker 2 00:04:56 Safely up to Speaker 3 00:04:57 The top of the ladder and up inside that hole and then still move it around in there. Cuz you can't really get safely from the attic or from the ladder to the attic. No. Oh, you can't get your body Speaker 2 00:05:08 Up in there. Especially in my garage, the door. I mean the garage ceiling is what, what do you think? 12 feet. Yeah. I mean it's high. Yeah. It's up there. So to put a ladder in there and to be able to access it, I mean, you're standing precariously on the ladder to get up that high. Speaker 3 00:05:27 I mean it's not safe. Yeah. It's notable that you can access that space from your bonus room. There's a little door there is, Speaker 2 00:05:34 But it tiny Speaker 3 00:05:35 And you have stuff stacked in between you're open space is over by, you know, the, the AC the, Speaker 2 00:05:42 Uh, other side, Speaker 3 00:05:43 The other side where you access through the ceiling and uh, and really not an easy way to get in Speaker 2 00:05:48 Between. Well, and that's the thing is that door is so tiny that, I mean, I it's tiny. I mean, it almost like you probably couldn't fit in there, like normal tubs barely fit through that door. So it, it is much more convenient and easier to shove 'em up through the, the garage access. Speaker 3 00:06:06 Yeah. Or to have me shove 'em up through the Speaker 2 00:06:08 Garage. Well, yeah, Speaker 3 00:06:09 That's the most convenient. Speaker 2 00:06:10 So anyway, but like I said, starting there getting that organized and you know, we've talked about this before. Declutter get rid of things. If you pull something out of your garage that you have not even looked at in two years, you probably don't need it Speaker 3 00:06:28 Unless it has very dear sentimental value. Sure, sure. And you plan to pass it on to your kids someday. Right. Speaker 2 00:06:35 But, but you know, we all have those things, you know, golf shoes that are long past their due date that they're just mush in garbage throw 'em away. Yeah. Or, or something if, if you, but maybe Speaker 3 00:06:48 Somebody's gonna need to borrow those someday. Ugh. Speaker 2 00:06:50 That's Speaker 3 00:06:51 What we rid of it. That's what we say to ourselves. We do Speaker 2 00:06:52 Take it to good. If they're still in good shape, take the Goodwill. Yeah. I mean, that's my thing is if I have things in my garage, I actually have things in my garage right now that I have moved from three different houses, more Speaker 3 00:07:07 Time <laugh> Speaker 2 00:07:08 They're in boxes. Speaker 3 00:07:09 You've moved them more times than moved. You've Speaker 2 00:07:11 Used them, them and I have not used them in literally 15 years. Yeah. I am. They're gonna go in a garage sale and I'm getting rid of it. Yeah. I mean, I don't care how expensive, whatever that item is. I I'm never gonna use it ever. Yeah. Gonna get Speaker 3 00:07:25 Rid of it when your garage is, is where you do a lot of your woodworking. You keep your woodworking tools. Yep. And your bench and your tool set and all of that stuff in your garage. So your garage remains pretty constantly free of debris, at least free of any debris of note, uh, because you move around you plus you, you park in the garage. So those things, when the car is not in there, um, that, that garage is very usable. Mine is not like that. Yeah. I've got so much stuff in there, but I did a pretty good job of, of erecting. Some shelving, some metal strong metal shelving that goes from the floor all the way to the ceiling up against 1 24 foot long wall. And we can get a lot of storage in there. Here's the thing over the course of the winter, you pull down a bin and you grab something out of it and you leave it down. And then two weeks later, you go back in there and you grab another bin and then it sits on top of that bin. And the next thing you know, you can't even walk in there. Speaker 2 00:08:26 You got bins on top of bins Speaker 3 00:08:27 Because stuff hasn't been put away and bins, haven't been re-put back up on the shelf and you've added things on the garage door side. Yeah. Just, this is exactly how it happens. And unless you have a garage, like Cory's, that's used daily, then, uh, it has a tendency to become a, a cluttered mess. Speaker 2 00:08:45 Yeah. I mean, in that's that's a very good tip. Just build some storage and stay up on top of it. Declutter put the things away. And you know, my garage gets messy once in a while and I gotta stop. I pull everything out. I take my blower, I have a, an electric blower and I just go to town, cleaning everything. I clean the surfaces, all my shelving, all the crates and everything that I have in there. I just blow everything off and blow it out the door. And I'll tell you one thing, when you're doing your spring cleaning and you get to do this, it feels really good when you put things back and it's nice and organized, you know, where everything is. And the more times you do it, the better it gets. You know, I, I spring cleaned my garage last spring when the sun started coming out and everything dried out. And I didn't have to worry about taking things outta my garage and setting 'em in the driveway, which is kind of what you, you know, if it's raining, you don't wanna do that. Or if it's snow on the ground, of course. Right. For sure. So you wait for that and then you put it all out there and then people start stopping by cuz they think it's a garage sale. Yeah. Gotta put a note up. Yeah. Not for sale. Speaker 3 00:09:54 And yet come back. It depends on what do you, what do you see? What do you see that you like? Yeah, I price. Speaker 2 00:09:59 Yeah. Let's my wife would be like 50 bucks. Take it off. <laugh> uh, but no, for real though. I mean, that is a good, good thing to do, but I want give you one tip if you're using a blower and you're getting all that dust out of there and your garage door is up when you close that garage door, which is the side of the garage door that faces now the street, I guarantee you, it will be covered in dust. Yeah. So take the, uh, take a scrub brush and a hose and clean off your garage door because you will, you will notice, you won't notice it at first, but when you start really seeing it, it looks really dingy and dirty. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:10:35 And if something is on there, it is inviting more things to get on there and it will get dirtier and dirtier. And as the days go on. Yeah. And a, a dirty garage door is, is, uh, yeah. It's that's Speaker 2 00:10:47 From, from the street. Speaker 3 00:10:48 It's very noticeable. Speaker 2 00:10:49 It's curb appeal, especially if it's white, like my garage door is white. So when it's all filthy and you know, I've been working on a project like making saw cuts and all that kind of stuff and all the sawdust sets on there, it doesn't fall off. When I close the garage door. Right. It stays on there. So I have to hose it Speaker 3 00:11:06 The garage because it's a place to store things. You can't it's, it's not easy to add places inside the house to store things, unless you have a kid move out and then you've got an extra bedroom that's not being used, but that's probably gonna be repurposed as a, a craft room or as an office or, or a man cave or something like that. But you can utilize the storage spaces in the house that you're not thinking of. I personally store some things underneath the master bed. Do you store anything underneath your bed? Speaker 2 00:11:35 I do. I store my, uh, like my gym bag and my vacation, you know, like those smaller type bags that lay flat and crush 'em down flat. Do Speaker 3 00:11:46 You use those vacuum, um, bags, like a big clear plastic bag and you put clothes and stuff in Speaker 2 00:11:51 And then vacuum on it, the down Speaker 3 00:11:53 It and make it flat. Speaker 2 00:11:55 Uh, we used to, we used to use those and what's funny is like, we would've blankets and yeah. Blankets, comforters, something, you suck all the air out and they suck down flat Speaker 3 00:12:05 Pillows and stuff. Comforter. Speaker 2 00:12:07 Our problem with those is we would pile them down, flat, put them under the thing and then you'd go to pull them out and they would develop a leak. Oh. And so like all of the air would start coming back and everything would fill back up and you couldn't get it out. <laugh> so it was, we were fighting with them. Speaker 3 00:12:22 Oh man. Speaker 2 00:12:23 So no, Speaker 3 00:12:23 Wait don't that does seem like a good storage solution. I've never used them. I see the commercials for them on TV. And I think it's Speaker 2 00:12:29 An awesome idea, Speaker 3 00:12:30 Man. That seems like that would be really great. But I guess if it developed a leak, that would be Speaker 2 00:12:33 A problem. That was our problem. And maybe we got the wrong ones. Maybe we got the cheap ones. Uh, but we would put like pillows and things in there and you shove it under there and it's like an inch thick. Yeah. And then when you let the air out, it fills back up to like eight inches thick and you can't get it out from under your, your bed. Speaker 3 00:12:49 <laugh>. Yeah. I, I think that when we are decluttering the house, uh, preparing for a deep clean, we will be moving through the house and cleaning and grabbing things that we're like, okay, I don't need this in the house right now. Right. And then I will carry it out to the place where it's gonna go for me more often than not the garage. Yeah. It's the garage. There may be a closet or a couple closets where we keep some things, but mainly to the garage and then I store it in the garage. But what I don't do, Corey, that I should do is I probably should collect those things in one space, maybe in the family room or in the living room, collect all those things into one space over the course of some hours and then go through those things and determine which of those things are viable. What I really want to keep, keep, and what things really probably should be going. Here's an example. I, you and I went to a golf tournament and at golf tournaments, they give you things, right. They give you ball cookies and tees and shirts and bottle openers and all kinds Speaker 2 00:13:43 Of stuff. Just junk. Yeah. Mostly junk. And Speaker 3 00:13:44 It comes home in a bag. And I set that bag next to the, my nightstand in the master bedroom. It's been there for, I don't know, six months, probably eight, nine months. Speaker 2 00:13:55 I remember that golf tournament. Yeah. So probably eight months, Speaker 3 00:13:58 Eight months ago. And, uh, that's an example of a thing that it doesn't need to be there. If there are valuable items in there, like golf balls and tees and maybe a golf towel, then it needs to go to my golf bag. It needs to be put in my golf bag. And those other things that I'm not ever gonna use Goodwill, give them way to a friend or simply just toss them. But if you bring all of those items, when you're decluttering into one space, you can make a decision about each of them, these tennis shoes, honestly, I'm probably not gonna wear again. Or this jacket, you know, I've, I've replaced this jacket. This needs to be donated that sort of a thing. There is almost always something in a pile of clutter that you've pulled from multiple rooms. Mm-hmm, <affirmative> that it's time to give to someone else, give somebody else an opportunity to enjoy it for a Speaker 2 00:14:45 While. Well, and that that's like, that's the biggest thing with declutter in your home is if you haven't used it, I kind of use this rule to myself that I have. If I haven't used it in two years, I don't need it. I just need to get rid of it. That's a, I dunno for me, that works. Speaker 3 00:15:02 Yeah. I mean, uh, I'm, I'm a little more sentimental, I think probably with my things. And so I think to myself, well, I'm just gonna put it in a box and put it on the shelf and then I'll determine later whether I need to keep this or don't need to keep this. Yeah. But, uh, that's why my garage is full of full containers. <laugh> I don't just use boxes. I went out to the, to the store and I bought like 24 identically sized storage bins with locking lids. And then I set the shelves on my metal shelf rack in the garage to perfectly to fit those storage bins so that I wouldn't have wasted space. Mm-hmm Speaker 2 00:15:42 <affirmative> mm-hmm <affirmative> yeah, no, that's a good tip. It's uh, it's definitely worth doing to create that storage and label those tubs and you know, like, like you just did. And I have done that same thing in my house. Um, but again, like you said, you have to, you have to go through all those things. And like, for, for instance, here's example at our house, you know, we set out our Christmas decorations and then we have to put them away and then we have to get out our yep. You know, Valentine's day decorations, then our St. Patty's day decorations and then our Easter, Easter decoration. Yeah. You know, and then 4th of July, then Halloween, you know, we have all of these decorations that we have to rotate through, but we keep them all together and we store them together. They go in the same spot where we know where everything goes. And then every time we get it out and every time we pack it away, we go through it. We realize, oh, that thing's broken. Speaker 3 00:16:33 Or I haven't used that in a few years. Speaker 2 00:16:35 Yeah. That will, that will candles melted. And you know, those little things that you just, you have to get rid of it at that time. If you stay up on top of it, it's much more easy. Uh, but going into spring, cleaning season, you know, decluttering, another tip I would give you is just to, to do one room at a time, start with your storage area, whether that's your garage or your attic, start with that area. And really declutter get rid of all the stuff you don't use, organize what you have. And that way, when you go to the next room, declutter and spring, clean that room, you have somewhere to put those things away. If you wanna keep it and it's sentimental to you, but you don't necessarily want it sitting out, you gotta have somewhere to Speaker 3 00:17:16 Put it. That is the exact, you just hit the spot right there. You've pulled all of the things that were cluttering the room, and you've put them in one spot and you're going through them to determine what you're gonna keep and what, you're not the items that you're going to keep because you love them and you don't want to get rid of them. Then you need to find a home for those mm-hmm <affirmative>. They need to have a specific place where they go every time they're not being used. This reminds me of the kitchen in the kitchen. I am the responsible, I am responsible for unloading the dishwasher and putting away the clean dishes. My wife washes the dishes and loads, the dishwasher mm-hmm <affirmative>. And I mm-hmm <affirmative> unload the dishwasher and put away the dishes. And we use, obviously we use the same dishes all the time. And every single thing that comes outta the dishwasher has a place in the kitchen, which makes it very easy to unload the dishwasher and put it away. Because when you open the cupboard to put something where it goes, there's an empty, empty spot there for it. Yeah. It goes right here. Yep. And then I open up the dishwasher and I pull something out and I'm like, what's this, I've never seen this before. Do you realize this does not have a home? You cannot keep this. Speaker 2 00:18:25 This is not ours. Speaker 3 00:18:26 Or you have to create a home for it. So yeah, when you get to the point where everything in your home has a home, and then you go to put it away, it's a lot easier to declutter when everything you're putting away has a place to Speaker 2 00:18:40 Go. Totally. Uh, so after you do that, I would make a checklist, make a checklist with all of the things that you'd like to get done, because here's another thing you're not gonna get this all done in one day. Very, very rarely would somebody be able to spring clean and declutter their entire house in one day. So make a checklist. And if you're a giant procrastinator, like some people I know, write your list and then put an approximate time of how long you think it will take you to get that thing done. Like if it's just washing your windows, maybe you just wanna do one room at a time and, and make that list. Kitchen windows will take you 15 minutes. If you assign a time to it, and you're a procrastinator, you're gonna look at your list and say, I can spare 15 minutes. I'm gonna knock out these windows or I can spare 20 minutes. I'm gonna put all of these decorations away. You know, that's a really good way to stay on track. Speaker 3 00:19:42 This is a really good tip. And this is something that, that is, that use works in my house, but it also can be overdone. So this is, this tip is something that to be used in moderation. We have, we utilize baskets in our home for putting things away that aren't hidden away. It's not a basket in the closet or a basket under the bed, right. Or a basket on a shelf. There's an opportunity to, to use a basket, cute little Wicker basket. Or I actually made some crates out of one by three lumber, right? They're about, I don't know, 18 inches by 24 inches or so like, Speaker 2 00:20:25 Like a milk crate kind Speaker 3 00:20:26 Of thing. Yeah. Yeah. It looks like that. Except for it's made out of wood. It's kind of rust. Rusticy looking, but we have a few of those crates around the house and it's sort of a, uh, it's sort of a design style, right? It's very rustic. We keep things that we want to have out, but that don't look cluttery like blankets, for example, mm-hmm <affirmative> you were talking about blankets. We keep a handful of blankets folded neatly mm-hmm <affirmative> in a little basket right underneath the coffee table in the middle of the family room. And then when we need a blanket at night, we just grab it outta there. And of course it doesn't ever get put back until spring cleaning. <laugh> <laugh>. But if you're using baskets, um, responsibly, creatively, but you don't of course want to have baskets all over the place. And if you get into the habit of just throwing things in a basket, then what's gonna happen is you're gonna end up with a bunch of baskets that have miscellaneous items in them. And then you just have more clutter to work through. Yeah. But if you choose a item or a type of item or a group of items for a basket that can be in the corner or under the coffee table or at the, on the landing at the top of the stairs, whatever that is, that is okay to do. And it's easy to do. Just have to make sure that you use that trick in moderation. Well, Speaker 2 00:21:41 And you're creating a home for it. That's kind of the thing. It's like, you need a home for everything that you own. If it doesn't have a home, then you can't put it away. Right. And if you're just putting something away to put it away, it's gonna end up in a junk drawer. Everybody has a junk drawer. Speaker 3 00:21:59 <laugh> I have like four Speaker 2 00:22:00 Junk drawers. It's kind of like that spot where it's like, well, I don't know what this is. Where does this go? I don't know. Junk drawer. Put it in the junk drawer. You know, what is this cord for? Yeah. I don't know. Junk drawer. <laugh> and I mean, one, one tip. I'll give you one more tip before we have to take a break. Uh, like with cords, especially. Speaker 3 00:22:16 Oh Speaker 2 00:22:16 Man. You know, I have two kids, lots of technology in our house and I guarantee you, I have at any given time, over a hundred cords for stuff. Speaker 3 00:22:27 Yeah. And that's because you couldn't find it. So you bought another one maybe, and then you went on vacation and bought another one. Speaker 2 00:22:33 And, but those things get a label maker, label your cords, especially if it's for like that massaging, you know, neck massager that you have. Yeah. I have one of those. I never know where the cord is because it gets put away somewhere, some junk drawer. Speaker 3 00:22:48 All right. We gotta take a quick break. When we come back more spring cleaning, don't go away. Speaker 1 00:23:06 You're listening to the weekend. Warriors home and Joe built by par lumber. Now here's Tony and Corey. Speaker 2 00:23:20 Hey, welcome back to the weekend. Warrior's home improvement show. Thanks for staying with us. Hey, if you haven't already go check out our Facebook and Instagram pages, we are at WW home show. Uh, we'd also love it. If you went and checked out our YouTube channel, uh, if you search par lumber in the YouTube search bar, that'll bring up the weekend warriors, subscribe there. And uh, you'll see all of our cool videos that we're PO posting regularly. Uh, if you want ever send us an email, you can do that. Just send it to weekend [email protected]. We love getting your questions and comments, uh, suggestions. You know, we love it, send it. So anyway, we're talking about spring cleaning, organizing decluttering. You know, you remember that show a while ago that was on TV. It was a gala call. Her name was Marie condo. Speaker 3 00:24:10 Mm doesn't sound familiar. Speaker 2 00:24:12 I can't remember the name of the show, but I remember her name. She was an amazing like professional organizer and she would come into people's houses and turn their, you know, D you know, crazy houses into like this organized amazingness. And one of the things that she would say all the time that if you have something right, if, if, if you have some sort of clutter and junk, she would say, does this spark joy? If you pick it up, does it spark joy? Interesting. And if it doesn't then get rid of it, Speaker 3 00:24:45 Then why do Speaker 2 00:24:46 You have, you don't even need it in your life. Speaker 3 00:24:48 Interesting. Speaker 2 00:24:49 It is interesting. Speaker 3 00:24:50 Yeah. I mean, uh, I, I, I, what about a thermostat? I mean, the thermostat for me does not spark joy and yet it's, it's a necessary thing. Speaker 2 00:25:00 Sparks electric bills. Speaker 3 00:25:02 <laugh> uh, so yeah, we're talking about decluttering decluttering tips. You, your last tip was, uh, label maker for device cords. That was a really good tip. That's a great tip actually. Um, because when you're going through those cords, you're trying to look at the box that plugs into the wall. And is it AC DC or is it right? You know, is it positive over or over negative or, you know, it's crazy. Those things are crazy. You're looking for a manufacturer name on the back. Does it say HP or unin or? So Speaker 2 00:25:35 I had, I have one of those percussion massagers, you know, those ones that have like the muscle. Um, I, I can't really, how do you explain that? They, they, they go in and out really, you know, they have like a sure, sure. Percussion anyway. They're awesome. Mm-hmm <affirmative> if you haven't, if you don't have one and you have muscle aches and pains, they're amazing. Just Speaker 3 00:25:54 Go by one. It like punches you in the arm a hundred times. Speaker 2 00:25:56 Yeah. It looks like a, like, almost like a gun. Uh, but it's a big battery and Speaker 3 00:26:00 Then has, yeah, I've seen those there. I see Speaker 2 00:26:01 Pretty different attachments on them. And the use, it uses a very specific plug for that. I mean, it's not specific. It's like something you've seen a thousand times is like a round AC adapter. Sure. Where you plug it in there, but it uses a specific voltage, ampage, you know, the size and all of those things. And if you don't have one of those, correct, then it won't charge. You won't charge Speaker 3 00:26:27 It. Right. And Speaker 2 00:26:27 I lost the darn thing and I'm looking around the house and I'm like, I think I have it. And I, you plug, plug Speaker 3 00:26:32 It in plug. Yeah. You find like 10 that look exactly like Speaker 2 00:26:34 It. Yeah. You plug it in the light comes on. You're like sweet it's charging. And then like 12 hours later, it hasn't done a thing. <laugh>, you know, so I actually had to read all of the, the little numbers on there and I searched Amazon and I was able to find another one and I ordered it and low and behold the week after I ordered it and got the new one and we found the old one. Yeah. But you know, if I'd had a label maker, I'd have been all set. Speaker 3 00:26:57 <laugh> no kidding. You. Would've been, you've been able to figure it out very quickly Speaker 2 00:27:00 Anyway. All right. So after we've gone through and decluttered, you know, decluttering a room for me, when I spring clean, it, it kind of goes hand in hand. I'll go through, I'll get rid of all the stuff I'll move. Like in my living room, let's say, I'll move all the furniture out. We'll vacuum the rugs. We'll vacuum the carpet. And then we'll carpet clean. You'd be surprised how often you're supposed to carpet clean. Oh yeah. I think they recommend at least twice a year. Mm-hmm <affirmative> to carpet clean your carpets to prolong the life of them. Right. Uh, but if you're regularly vacuuming, that's one thing, but actually deep cleaning, shampoo, whatever the rugs, if you wanna do it yourself or have a professional come out and do it, it's not terribly expensive to have people just come out and do it. You'll see these, at least I do all the time. I get these door hangers and advertisements that come in the mail, you, your whole house done for, you know, 150 bucks. Sure. So it's worth it. Speaker 3 00:28:00 Yeah. Well, you know, there's, uh, that's the thing we, we forget about the carpet a lot of times until there's a stain or something, that's driving us crazy. And then, and then we just want to get it clean to get that stain out of the way. But, uh, the fact is whether it's stained or not, uh, it does need to be cleaned regularly. Speaker 2 00:28:17 <laugh> yes. Uh, they say that your carpet is the biggest air filter in your home. Speaker 3 00:28:23 Right. Speaker 2 00:28:23 Which is kind of gross to think about. Speaker 3 00:28:25 Very gross to think about. Speaker 2 00:28:27 And if, especially, if you don't have a shoe policy in your home, you knows a lot of people have shoe policies. We go to leave the shoes at the door. Sure, Speaker 3 00:28:35 Sure. Speaker 2 00:28:35 But I think a lot of people, I don't have a shoe policy. I mean, we're, we have dogs and kids. And I mean, if I'm, I, I don't care that much. Speaker 3 00:28:44 I feel like Speaker 2 00:28:45 Vacuum and clean my floors enough that, I mean, I like Speaker 3 00:28:49 My shoes catch more of the debris that I would be leaving on the carpet then than, you know, take the shoes off. And then my, my bare feed are able to drop whatever they want. Right. Speaker 2 00:29:00 I don't know. Speaker 3 00:29:02 Just kidding. That's gross. Uh, here's number one, first, most important thing that everyone needs to do when they're spring cleaning and, and you've decluttered and you're ready to get after it. You need to clean every single window inside and outside twice. Speaker 2 00:29:18 Yep. And you wanna do it not on a sunny day. Right. You wanna do it on a somewhat overcast or a cooler day, because if you do it a sunny day, especially if you're washing the sun side of the house, the, so the solution that you're using to clean the windows will dry instantaneously. Yeah. And it will look super streaky and gross. Speaker 3 00:29:39 Yeah. Here's another one do not ignore the track of your window. Speaker 2 00:29:44 The, the sliding door track. Speaker 3 00:29:46 Yep. Your B both your horizontal sliding window tracks and your patio door track. They get so much dirt and debris and stuff. And it's absolutely terrible to look at you. You become blind to it. When you have dirt in the track of your patio door, you can become blind to it. And then you won't notice it. But when you do decide to take a look at the track in your patio door and your windows, you'll see it. And you'll say, oh, do other people see that? Why don't I see that? Normally <laugh>, it's so gross. I mean, you will, you could use an entire roll of paper towels, just cleaning the track in the, in the bottom of your patio door and a tip, all Speaker 2 00:30:27 Sliders. You'll be tempted to spray it down with some sort of cleaner and go to town with paper towels or towels or whatever, and cleaning it out. But the fastest easiest way is to start with a little toothbrush or a scrubbing brush, dry knock, all the dirt and debris loose, and then ShopVac all that out first. And then usually you can just take a sponge with some cleaner and wipe it down once or twice. And it will look brand spanking new. It's Speaker 3 00:30:58 Also notable on the patio door. The, the slide panel comes out. You have to slide it all the way to the open position and then lift it up. And the, the bottom of the door comes out of the track. And the whole thing comes out. Once that slide panel is out of the track, there's a piece in there that the door rides on and you can actually take that insert out and you'll find a lot of that stuff is, uh, held on down inside there, underneath that track. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:31:27 On the underside of the Speaker 3 00:31:28 Door, on the underneath side of the door. Yeah. Oh, Speaker 2 00:31:29 Smart. Speaker 3 00:31:30 Yeah. And so pull that track out. You can clean the track while it's out, which is a lot easier to do than trying to shove your rag or paper towel or whatever you're using down into that track. Pull that track out and then vacuum out what's on the underneath side and then put the track back Speaker 2 00:31:44 In. And then while after you're done with all of that, get some spray silicone and spray down the window tracks and spray down the door tracks and all of the little hardware in there. And at that time, if you've got the door pulled out, there's little wheels that, that door rolls on. If you notice that your door just doesn't open, like it used to, or barely opens and closes there's little wheels. Some of that stuff is replaceable. You can go to, you know, ACE hardware and look in their little aisle there. And there's a lot of universal wheels for those parts and or parts for those wheels. And anyway, clean it out, get it repaired. And that thing will, you will love yourself. Yeah. They Speaker 3 00:32:25 They'll operate better. They'll look so much better and you will definitely be glad you did it after it's done, even though it's hard work and it takes a long time, it's worth Speaker 2 00:32:34 It. I will tell you a patio door slider. The operating door is pretty heavy. I mean, wouldn't you say? Oh, Speaker 3 00:32:44 Well, yeah, yeah. I mean, I, don't 50 pounds. This I'm a big guy, so what's heavy to me, you know? Or what's not heavy to me. Yeah. Yeah. It's different, I suppose. But, uh, Speaker 2 00:32:53 I said, just keep that in mind, if you're trying to pull it out of its track to have, you know, one or two people help you, maybe some saw horses set up that you can pop it out of its track and set it down on the table or some saw horses. Yeah. It's not light. I mean, that's a big pan of glass Speaker 3 00:33:08 Or give me a call, come over and look it up for you. <laugh> uh, here's something else Corey, that we miss. We, we deep clean. Right. But we miss those areas that we can't see the areas that are under the couch under the, the Curio cabinet or under the, you know, the dresser mm-hmm, <affirmative>, mm-hmm, <affirmative>, um, behind, under and behind. You need to be looking for under and behind all of those areas and get that stuff out of there, uh, at the very least, because when you heat or cool your home, all of that stuff gets stirred up into the air and you're breathing it. Mm-hmm <affirmative>. If, if you're not sucking it up into the vacuum cleaner and throwing it away, then you're breathing it. Speaker 2 00:33:50 Uh, also along those lines is on top of things, things that you don't necessarily see, or you're not tall enough to see, like maybe on top of your TV, on top of your lamps, the actual lamp shades, you know, you'll have covered dust in there that you can't really see until you start with your, your vacuum and start cleaning it off. And then you start seeing the lines where it was caked in dust Speaker 3 00:34:18 Ceiling fan. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:34:20 Or the tops of your, uh, blinds or drapes, Speaker 3 00:34:25 The glass cover on your, on your ceiling lights. Mm-hmm <affirmative> mm-hmm <affirmative> and, uh, yeah. Those, yeah. Those are things that you won't, that you won't necessarily notice most of the time, but it is still dirty and it does need to be cleaned. Speaker 2 00:34:41 Uh, there is a tip with that too, is to always clean from the top down, start with Speaker 3 00:34:47 The second floor. Speaker 2 00:34:49 Well, no, and you know, you know what I mean, the ceiling Speaker 3 00:34:51 Start at the Speaker 2 00:34:52 Roof, start at the ceiling, the Speaker 3 00:34:53 Attic, Speaker 2 00:34:54 The clean, clean, your light fixtures, yellow light fixtures on the ceiling, clean those first cobwebs. You'd be surprised how much dirt walls hold. Especially if you have textured walls that texture will sit or the dust will sit on top of every little crevice on a wall in that texture. Yeah. And you know, you, you probably, if you've painted your house in the last couple years, you probably don't notice it as much. Right. But if it's been sitting for a very long time, you can take a shot back or a broom and just sweep the walls off, but start with the top and then do the tops of your doors. All the little trim when you will notice a difference, Speaker 3 00:35:34 Picture frames, also Speaker 2 00:35:35 Picture frames, Speaker 3 00:35:36 Just got picture frames, Speaker 2 00:35:38 Just clean Speaker 3 00:35:38 The glass, big paintings. Speaker 2 00:35:39 Mm-hmm <affirmative> yep. Speaker 3 00:35:41 You know, recently we, uh, we painted the walls in the interior of our home and we had to take down, of course, all of our pictures and paintings and all of the things that we had hanging up on the walls. And, um, when we started to put all of the stuff back, it was very ominous. We, we put all of the wall, hangings, everything, mirrors and pictures and paintings and all of the stuff, all in one spot. And man, oh man, we had a lot of stuff on the walls. It was, it was surprising to me. Yeah. How much of there was we of course, took that opportunity to clean all of those frames before we put them back up. But, uh, that was a big job. I'll tell you. Speaker 2 00:36:21 Uh, I did something similar recently because in our last move, uh, we had hired movers and they actually dropped a box of our picture frames. We, you know, we have that classic hallway with family pictures more. Yeah. You know what I mean? Every, everybody I know has this, but you have a wall. You have all these picture frames and everything and Speaker 3 00:36:43 Uncle Jed. Speaker 2 00:36:43 Yep. The, uh, Speaker 3 00:36:44 Great aunt Speaker 2 00:36:45 Floor, the mover guys dropped the box and broke a bunch of the frames. And when we moved in, we just didn't have the time. So we just hung 'em all up cracked. Speaker 3 00:36:55 Oh, really? Shipped Speaker 2 00:36:56 <laugh> you know, broken glass. Yeah. Some of them were missing glass. So we went out and bought all new frames. We went over to, I don't even remember where Michael's or something. We had some sale buy one, get one free we bought, you Speaker 3 00:37:08 Know, did you like list of all of the sizes of pictures of frames that you needed? Speaker 2 00:37:13 No, but we should have, that's actually a very good idea. We didn't we went and said, I like this one. Yeah. I like that one. Oh, this fits five pictures. This one fits three. This one's fit one, you know, and this oh five by sevens. And then you start, we, we just planned out everything that way. And then we got it home. We were like, shoot, half our pictures didn't fit. Yeah. You know, or, or you'd put it in there and you'd oh, we cut. Dad's head off. Cuz it's he's off to the right. Yeah. You know, uh, that would've been a better idea if we actually took inventory of the pictures that we had and went with a better plan <laugh> but it worked out, we actually had to reprint some new ones. Speaker 3 00:37:54 Did you, uh, did you have any of those in the, in the bedroom, in the, any of the bedrooms or is this this all just in the hallway? Speaker 2 00:38:00 Yeah. No, of course. Every room. Speaker 3 00:38:01 Well, here's the tip while you're in the bedroom, this is the time to strip down the bed. I mean, I'm not saying that you don't wash your sheets regularly or whatever, but this is the time to strip down the bed, get the, the sheets and the comforter, uh, through the laundry and take the opportunity to flip that mattress. We don't do that as often as we should. Speaker 2 00:38:25 Well, I'll tell you what, you can't flip most new mattresses. I would. I mean, honestly, you go to the mattress store. Almost all of them are one sided. Speaker 3 00:38:33 Well, yeah, but not, I don't mean flip upside down. Oh, just Speaker 2 00:38:37 Rotate. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:38:37 Just I should have said rotate. Speaker 2 00:38:39 Well, you, I mean, some mattresses you can flip for sure. But Speaker 3 00:38:41 The, from the head to the foot or from the foot to the head, a lot of times these mattresses aren't square though. A lot of times they're not quite as wide as they are long or vice versa. Mm-hmm <affirmative>. But, um, but any opportunity that you have to move the mattress so that your body is in a different spot than it's been for the last, however long it's been, since you've moved it, um, we actually have a memory foam mattress and it can't go upside down. It's got a bottom, it's got a bottom and a top, but we definitely rotate it. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:39:13 Yeah. That's smart. I mean, you should, it'll prolong the life of your Speaker 3 00:39:18 Mattress. Yeah. I'm afraid that the, that the memory part of the mattress will start to remember my butt instead of, uh, you know, instead of not remembering <laugh>. So, um, so we, we, we rotate that thing O uh, you know, often enough anyways, that's a really good tip. Uh, here's another one. If you've got a comforter, a big comforter that just doesn't want to go through your washer and dryer, we have a really big queen size bed with a, with a comforter that is, wow. It's like a quilted comforter, really heavy. I mean, it packs the, the washer. And if we wash it, we have to wash it a couple times and then dry it like three or four times, it is much easier to just drive that down to the dry cleaner and have them professionally clean the comforter. And then I'm not worried about, you know, whether or not I'm tearing it up in my, you know, conventional washer and dryer. Speaker 2 00:40:13 Well, yeah, you have to look, you definitely wanna look at your bedding and see what they recommend. Like some of those things you should not definitely wash in your washing machine. Yeah. Otherwise you'll ruin it. Speaker 3 00:40:25 Yeah. But it's a good time to do that. And that may be, you know, a lot of people don't wash their comforters as often. If it's not as easy as just running it down and throwing it into the washing machine and washing it. But, uh, this is a good time to do that. Yeah. If you haven't done it recently, Speaker 2 00:40:39 Uh, if you're in the bathroom, you might as well scrub down the bathroom. I know everybody probably cleans their bathroom regularly, uh, but do a deep clean, when is the last time you scrubbed the floor or the toilet on the, behind the toilet, you see a lot of dust down there and it's a good time to go through your medicine cabinets, get rid of old medicine. I know I had some, uh, muscle relaxers in my cabinet that I found the other day that were, that expired, expired in 2008 <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:41:11 Wow. Speaker 2 00:41:12 Yeah. Wow. So I got rid of those, uh, and you know, it's a good thing to do anyways. If you've got, uh, there's certain medications though, that I think they tell you not to throw away or put into your toilet, cuz they, they get into the, you know, the, uh, our water system. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:41:28 If the, if those muscle relaxers go out into the water system and a couple of fish, get their hands on, you know, what are they gonna do? They're not gonna be able to swim. They're just gonna float for Speaker 2 00:41:36 A while. Float around. Speaker 3 00:41:36 Yeah. Just some floating fish with, you know, full of muscle relaxers. Speaker 2 00:41:42 Uh, yeah. Anyway, Speaker 3 00:41:43 The here's another one we talked about this before, but we're gonna mention it again, make sure you vacuum the, the, the fan that is in the bathrooms, all the bathrooms that, that fan removes moisture from, from the bathroom and that you don't want building up in there. So make sure that you get all that fuzz off of the front of that fan so that it can operate properly. Speaker 2 00:42:05 Yeah. I mean, I've seen it before where you get up there and take the cover off, you know, you'll see like tons of, you know, dust collected right at the, the grill. But when you take that thing off really old ones, the inside sometimes are caked. Yeah. With dust and fuzz and all that stuff and Speaker 3 00:42:23 Yeah, you need that fan working all the time. So make sure that it's clean and has every opportunity to do the job that it's supposed to do. Speaker 2 00:42:31 Yep. Uh, jump into the kitchen. You'll wanna take care and clean out the pantry, take every single thing out of your pantry, Speaker 3 00:42:39 Man. Do you know how much stuff is in my pantry? Speaker 2 00:42:41 I bet you there's some stuff from 2008 in there, that's Speaker 3 00:42:44 Like a whole day to clean all the stuff outta my pantry. Speaker 2 00:42:46 We recently, uh, at our vacation house, we just got, we kind of just got into this thing. Right? We, we did a little remodel. I've talked about it on the show, but uh, we went through everything. It was somebody else's house and we went through everything. And when we were going through the kitchen, going through the pantry, we actually found spices. There was a bottle of spice that we actually kept that expired in 1984. Speaker 3 00:43:15 <laugh> Speaker 2 00:43:16 It said, it said best before, you know, like December 4th, 2, 19 84. Wow. Was unbelievable. Speaker 3 00:43:23 Wow. Speaker 2 00:43:24 It's like cinnamon sticks. This Speaker 3 00:43:25 Is what I need to, did you take the lid off and smell it? I just have to know if you smelled it. I Speaker 2 00:43:28 Think of course. And it smelled like cinnamon. Speaker 3 00:43:32 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:43:32 <laugh> I mean, but it was from 1984. Speaker 3 00:43:35 Yeah. That is Speaker 2 00:43:36 Very it's fired in 90. So, I mean, I don't know how good it was probably bought in the seventies. I Don Speaker 3 00:43:40 Know. Yeah. That's that is funny. Threw Speaker 2 00:43:42 It aways. Speaker 3 00:43:43 Yeah. Those are the things that don't belong in there. That's a prime example of us holding onto things too long. Speaker 2 00:43:47 Totally. Uh, while you're in the kitchen and you've pulled everything out, now's a good time to reinstall some new shelf liner. If you use shelf liner, I think most even if you've got newer cabinets shelf, liner's a good idea. Keeps 'em nice and clean Speaker 3 00:44:00 Drawer liners also Speaker 2 00:44:02 Liners, uh, donate any equipment, any small appliances that you haven't used since 1987 mm-hmm <affirmative> get rid of them. And uh, look at the expiration dates. You know, you'll have things. This happens to everybody, you know, my, my mother-in-law moved from their house and she brought over, they were moving out of state California or something and they brought us a box of stuff. They were like, oh, here take all of this stuff. It's perfectly good. Mm-hmm <affirmative> <affirmative>. And we're like, yeah, totally. I mean, we'll, we'll use it pancake batter and just mix stuff like that. Well, there was, there was things in there that literally expired 12 years ago. Wow. Because you would just never know. Right. You know, you, you don't, you use, you don't use pounds and pounds of it. We're not professional bakers. Speaker 3 00:44:47 You know where it expires and you never know how long it's been in there. Totally. In the freezer. <laugh> if you reach into the freezer and you pull out a plastic bag and on the inside, it looks like it's just a bunch of ice because it's all white and frozen in there. Whatever that was is freezer burnt. And I can tell you right now, it's not gonna taste good. Speaker 2 00:45:06 It's probably not very tasted. Speaker 3 00:45:07 It doesn't matter what it cost. You're not gonna eat it, throw it out. Yep. The freezer and the fridge need to be cleaned. That's part of a deep cleaning process. And um, and I'll tell you what stuff goes bad in the freezer quick. I mean, I understand that the freezer is supposed to keep things good for a long time, but the thing is this time passes differently in the freezer. <laugh> like, you think it's been a year, it's been 10 <laugh> there's. I guarantee you there's something in my freezer right now. That's been there way too long. Speaker 2 00:45:35 I Speaker 3 00:45:35 Guarantee you. And it needs to go in the garbage can. Speaker 2 00:45:38 Uh, while you're in there or working on your refrigerator freezer, pull it out, vacuum the coils, the back underneath, you know, sometimes there's access panels underneath your refrigerator. Get in there with your vacuum. We get a long stick. It's gonna work at its most efficient or, or its highest efficiency that it's, that it can is when it's clean. Right. And you don't see it. Right. It sucks air in around the back. And if it's all enclosed, you just don't see it. So it's out of sight out of mind. Right. But when you pull it out, it pop that little thing open. Speaker 3 00:46:12 You will see it. You Speaker 2 00:46:14 Will, there'll be, there'll be a family of dust, bunnies living under there. Speaker 3 00:46:17 After you vacuum, Speaker 2 00:46:18 You make a coat out of, Speaker 3 00:46:19 After you vacuum it, you'll have to empty the vacuum bag because it will be full. And Speaker 2 00:46:23 I'll tell you what. We had a refrigerator that we bought brand new and maybe, maybe a year we had it maybe a year and we, it broke and we had to get rid of it. And when we hauled that thing out, the amount of dust around the coils and all that, I was shocked. I was like, that's only been a year. So if it's been 5, 6, 10, 20 years since you've done it, mm-hmm, <affirmative>, it's probably a good idea. You're Speaker 3 00:46:50 For a surprise. You're Speaker 2 00:46:51 In for a big Speaker 3 00:46:52 Surprise. You might be a lint animal underneath there. Uh, also before you finish with the fridge, if it dispenses water, replace the filter, Speaker 2 00:46:59 That's a good Speaker 3 00:46:59 Tip. Um, I feel like the, my refrigerator pops up a little warning sign. Whenever the filter needs to be replaced you to reset it. I just reset. <laugh> I reset it like 40 times. Well, Speaker 2 00:47:09 I think we live in a pretty, Speaker 3 00:47:10 I need to go get it. We Speaker 2 00:47:11 Live in an area where our water is pretty good here. Speaker 3 00:47:14 Yeah. Well we drink Oregon water, man. I mean, I don't, it doesn't get better than that does it. Speaker 2 00:47:18 I don't have to, uh, I don't have to worry about, I don't even need a water Speaker 3 00:47:22 Filter. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:47:23 So, but occasionally might as Speaker 3 00:47:25 Well. Yeah, you might as well. I mean, otherwise it's just beeping at it. Uh, yeah. That's about what we got. It's been a, it's been a really good show. Very informative. We hope you got something that you could use. This has been another episode of your weekend warriors right here on the weekend. Warriors radio network have a great week. Speaker 4 00:47:48 Um,

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