Shannon Quimby

Episode 599 April 27, 2023 01:04:16
Shannon Quimby
The Weekend Warriors Home Improvement Show
Shannon Quimby

Apr 27 2023 | 01:04:16


Hosted By

Tony Cookston Corey Valdez

Show Notes

Tony and Corey talk to Shannon Quimby about her huge project she's taken on and her past experiences.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:04 Welcome to the Weekend, warriors Home Improvement Show, built by Par Lumber when it comes to big or small projects around the home. Tony and Corey, you've got the know-how and the answers to make your life just a bit easier. Here they are, your Weekend Warriors, Tony and Corey. Speaker 2 00:00:25 Hey, welcome to the Weekend, warriors Home Improvement Show podcast. I'm Corey Valdez. I'm Tony Crookston. Thanks for, uh, checking us out today. We've got a special guest in the studio with us. It's our very newest of the new Weekend Warrior special guest. Shannon Quimby. Yes, Shannon Quimby. Hi, how are you? Speaker 3 00:00:44 I am good, and I'm happy to be here. Speaker 2 00:00:46 And we're happy to have you. I felt like, Corey, that you were gonna say the newest member of the Weekend Warriors, but you kind of beat around that bush a little bit. A little bit. I mean, we, because here's the reason why we extended an invitation to a celebrity to join us <laugh> and be part of the weekend Warriors, and she hasn't answered yet. So that's why Corey was beating around the bush. She hasn't actually agreed. Well, I think she's agreed. Would, wouldn't you say you agreed, Shannon? Yeah, Speaker 3 00:01:15 I'm in <laugh>. Easy peasy. Speaker 2 00:01:18 I think, uh, Speaker 3 00:01:19 Easy decision. Speaker 2 00:01:20 I think it's, I mean, she's not like she's a honorary member Okay. I think Right, right. Is like a, you know. Okay. Well, we have to, because if she was more than an honorary member, we would have to take the logo and then we would have to add Tony and Corey and Shannon. Shannon, Speaker 3 00:01:37 I hear you. And then Speaker 2 00:01:38 Where would we be? Speaker 3 00:01:39 I mean, not enough room right now. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:01:41 She is, anyway. She's, she's part of the crew. Yes. Let's say that. Absolutely. We're gonna be doing all kinds of stuff with her this year, and she's working on a huge project. So that's what we're gonna be this year. You'll see a lot of our videos at her property. Yeah. So that's what we're gonna talk about today. Some of, I want to know about you, I think our viewers and our listeners wanna hear about you. What your history is, your past, your experience. You've done some crazy stuff over the years. I Speaker 3 00:02:07 Have. I definitely have. Um, you know, it all was started from basically, um, if it was broken, we'd fix it, and if we couldn't fix it, we'd change it in something else. <laugh>. So it was, it was a lifestyle from the get-go. Yeah. Um, you know, and we, we diy, we were DIY before DIY was anything. We were before the, any of the re words, it was just who we are as a family and what we did. Yeah. And so, and that just progressed into my career, which is amazing. And, you know, I remember when we were young, when we went to garage sales and estate sales, we didn't tell anybody it was, you know, it was like, oh, you're going to a garage sale, you know, this and that, you know, and my mother, um, would find, um, secondhand clothing and cut out labels that were high end and, and put 'em on our genes. And so Oh, wow. Yeah. And so we were reusing and recycling and up upcycling before any of that was popular. That's Speaker 2 00:03:07 Crazy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. That's really cool. The, uh, it's interesting because what you just said is like the very definition of a weakened warrior. Absolutely. That's what, that's what, how we look at it. Any, anybody that's willing to learn how to fix up their own house, how to, you know, fix, make things, make the most of what they have. Right. Make something out of nothing. All of those things, you know, we talk a lot about, as we in Warriors, Corey and I talk a lot about, um, our carbon footprint and, you know, being responsible stewards of the earth and all of those things on a regular basis, how to, um, simply just do things the way we, we would need to do them if we thought that there was a, a, a time clock on, you know, our resources. And so as we do that, that's, that's exact same thing that you've been doing, but from a different part of, um, from the, from a different part of the world. You just weren't here with us. If we would've got together 12 years ago, we'd have been, you know, talking about the same stuff. We would've been the Three Musketeers <laugh> so long ago. Speaker 3 00:04:12 Yeah. Well, and that just, you know, it just kind of progressed and, you know, I started doing it, uh, growing up. I started doing it. Uh, I was, I loved taking shop in high school, and I liked to build, and my grandfather had a workshop and, uh, he built bird houses, and my uncle, um, built birdhouses, and his contract was with Disney World. And so, wow. You know, so we were always in, I was always in the workshop and my dad had a workshop, and my mom was very creative. Plus I think it's really crucial, um, growing up, is that my parents, uh, encouraged the creativity. Yeah. And, you know, even if they knew, they saw possibly the end result that wasn't gonna go in the direction, <laugh>, but, you know, there wasn't a cap on that. And so if I was building something or, you know, hammering something, and even though if my dad told me to, you know, hold the hammer a certain way, and I wasn't, he knew it was gonna happen and, you know, I'd have to learn the hard way. Um, but that just kind of generated, generated into what I do today, which, um, I would, it's kind of hard. I wear a lot of hats. Um, but I, if you wanna put it all in a pot, I would say I'm a salvage designer. Hmm. You know, um, you know, cut to the chase. Right. Speaker 2 00:05:27 Yeah. That's an interesting, uh, interesting name. I don't think I've ever heard that title before. No, no. That's first. But I'll tell you what I'm hearing you tell me that you came from a generation where your creativity was not stifled, but but that was a generation where creativity, a lot of times was stifled. So you, you kind of are a, a small percentage. You're the minority to come from that generation and be, and be raised that way. Speaker 3 00:05:55 Yeah. And also, you know, we didn't have a lot of money either, and so if it was, bro, we couldn't just go out and buy it again. We couldn't replace it with something new. And, uh, so we were always trying to figure out what to do with it. And I like to tinker. Um, I lo when, when something's broken and I take it apart, I actually look at pieces differently than what their purpose was originally. And I get that asked that question asked all the time. Like, how did you think to do that? Or put that together? And I'm, and I'm like, well, I don't see that bottle as just a bottle. I see it as something else, and I see it, I flip it around, turn it upside. Yeah. I turn it upside down. I flip it over, you know, I, I spin it. I just, you know, change it all the time. You know, think what else we could do with it. Speaker 2 00:06:41 I'll tell you what, I don't have that. No, I don't have that ability to, to look at something. I see these people all the time. They take stuff and they upcycle it. Yeah. Or that term, you know, where they take things and they make it into other things. I don't have that brain. I have a very technical brain. When I see something, I see it for what it is. You know, I don't, I don't look at it and say, oh, I could use that in this way as this other thing. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I just, I'm not that good at that. That's interesting. I was actually on your website and I was looking through all of the photos of all of the things that you've repurposed or upcycled, um, whatever it was in those instances. Uh, ballisters from a handrail or Yep. Legs from a chair that have turned into, um, candle holders Yeah. Or candle operas or whatever. And so much more amazing. I mean, photo after photo after photo of things that you've done, that you've created something great out of something old. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, something that was great, but in a different way and at a different time. And, uh, I was really enjoying that. What, and I, what was, what is your website? We just so we can share it with the listeners so they can, um, go check out and see what I saw. Speaker 3 00:07:51 It's my name Shannon Easy, Speaker 2 00:07:54 Easy. That is very easy. Yes. How many N ns in Shannon <laugh>? Two Speaker 3 00:07:57 Ns. Twins? Yes. S h a n n o n. Speaker 2 00:08:00 Oh, three Ns you mean? Three Speaker 3 00:08:01 Ns? Three Ns, yeah. Speaker 2 00:08:02 Shannon, Speaker 3 00:08:02 Shannon quimby quimby com. Yeah. Like Ramona, like the books. Oh, okay. Yeah. Quimby. Yeah. Shannon Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. All right. Speaker 2 00:08:09 Yeah. Yeah. That website is great. There's such a, such a depth of really good stuff on there. I really enjoyed it. I found myself, I mean, I was probably looking at your website for an hour. Oh. Just going through all of the tabs and looking at all of the stuff, and of course, I was preparing for this conversation, and I wanted to be able to be a contributor. Right. Were you at work doing this, Tony? I was on the clock. Yeah. I was just wondering. Definitely getting paid to browse your website, Speaker 3 00:08:36 Which research? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:08:37 <laugh>, Tony's, Tony's boss is listening right now. <laugh>. Uh, but it, there was a lot of really good stuff on there. Um, also, Corey and I discovered the other day that you wrote a book. Speaker 3 00:08:48 Yeah, I Speaker 2 00:08:49 Did. And that you are officially an author. I am another one of the amazing things that you have, uh, on your list of accomplishments. Um, what is the name of your book? Speaker 3 00:08:59 Uh, Shannon Kumi. Color Create Decorate. Yeah. Color Speaker 2 00:09:02 Create Decorate. Speaker 3 00:09:03 Yeah. That was, that was the first one. I've been a contributor to three others. Um, the author's, uh, Joanne Palmisano, and she's written, uh, three books all about salvage, decorating and decor and design. And I was honored to be a contributor to those, uh, three books of hers. Yeah. Very cool. Yeah. Yeah. But, um, yeah, you know, and the thing is, um, I just kind of fell into this. I, I love, like you said, I like building and creating and redoing and such. And I opened up an antique store, and I called it, uh, Quimby's Arts and Antiques. So I had a little, you know, a little leadway there. So if I built something and put it in, they'd say, well, that's not antique. I'm like, Nope, it's not. It's art. It's Art <laugh>. Yeah. So it was Quimby's Arts and Antiques Speaker 2 00:09:45 Covered your bases there, <laugh>. Yeah. You Speaker 3 00:09:47 Did. I totally did. Uhhuh <affirmative>. And then I started doing antique shows. I started, you know, I'd hauled all in. I had a 72 40 con line three on the tree. And, um, I'd go do a show. And then, uh, one day a photographer came up and, and looked at my booth and said, ah, I really like how you designed your, you know, style, your booth, you know, is this any representation of your home? And I said, yeah, I just took that bench out of the kitchen this morning, <laugh>. So they're like, eh, well, we'd like to come and take a look at your home and shoot your home. And I said, I don't know what that means. Shoot your home. And well, we'd like to take some photographs, maybe get it published. And I said, published in what? You know, so I was so naive. Speaker 3 00:10:23 I didn't know anything about this. And so I said, all right. And they did. And then they, so they were there for a day, and they took a whole bunch of photos and everything, and then it ended up in Country Living Magazine and a couple other magazines. And then about, oh gosh, it was about two years later. And I had, I told you I had an antique store, and this is so great, you guys. This is so awesome. So I'm dating myself. So I come into work and I'm hitting the, um, answering machine <laugh>. This is, this is early two thousands. I'm dating myself. I told you I'm in the answering machine, and there's this an, there's this message and it says, hi, Shannon. This is so and so from, and so I'm writing it down, right. Writing down. This is so-and-so from, um, homes and Gardens television. Um, we saw your home in, uh, country Living Magazine. We're interested in coming in and, um, doing a, a segment about you give us a call. So I'm writing this down Homes and Gardens television. And the meantime, I've done a lot of local television. I've done, you know, and I thought, oh, this is probably some, um, local tv. And I'm writing down Homes and Gardens to, oh my gosh, <laugh>, this is Httv, HTTV just left me a voicemail. Holy sh Moly. Right. And I'm all by myself. It was Speaker 2 00:11:44 Real. It was. Speaker 3 00:11:45 I was like, oh my gosh. So he so calls back. So, so I'm just shaking in my boots, like, what, what? And this, so when they said they're, look, they saw my kitchen in this magazine. That magazine came out, that was two years ago. It wasn't like on the stands. Right. That had been two years. Speaker 2 00:12:02 Wow. Speaker 3 00:12:03 And so, I, Speaker 2 00:12:04 I They were recycling old stuff. Yes. Right up recycling. Yeah. They were, yeah. Upcycling mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 3 00:12:09 And so I, I call 'em back and I get, I get his voicemail and, you know, your office voice, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 2 00:12:17 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:12:18 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I go like this. I go, uh, yeah. So I, I listen to him and I, it's my turn and I go, uh, yeah. Hi, uh, Craig. Uh, so and so, hi Craig. Uh, yeah. This is, uh, Shannon MBE from Quimby's Arts and Antiques. I, I got your message about, uh, possibly being on, uh, homes and Gardens television. My answer is, duh, ht dv. Call me <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:12:42 I love it. I guess you gotta be who you are. That's right. That's right. Right. Speaker 3 00:12:46 He calls me back within five minutes, he's laughing and once again, dating myself. He's laughing. He goes, Shannon, he goes, do you have a fax machine? And I said, yes. He goes, okay, I just edited that clip on your, on my answer machine. Sent it to marketing. And we would like to use that in between commercials. Duh h your duh HGTV <laugh>. And can we know, we'd like to send a release over so you can sign that. So that wasn't, that was just a sidebar. And I said, sure. And anyway, next thing they came out and, um, we'd filmed a segment on one of their shows, and I guess it got really strong ratings. Uh, they called me back. They asked me to be a regular on the show. And so I was, and what I did was, is I would take like a piece of, like a fence board and I would change it in, make it into three different things. Speaker 3 00:13:38 Or I would take a light fixture that was busted and I would make it into something else. And that was the whole premise. And I was doing this way before anybody else was do doing this. Yeah. And, um, yeah. And then that led to another show on H G T V. And then that led to, uh, getting a column in a magazine. And I wrote for the Oregonian for 10 years in the Homes of Gardens section. And it just kind of kept evolving. And, uh, so now I've worked with Better Homes and Gardens with Meredith Publications and HGTV and, and all the big brand MIGS for nearly 25, 30 years. Speaker 2 00:14:15 Wow. Wow. And now she's stepped up. Yeah, yeah. To be on our Now you've joined the big leagues. That's right. That this our tiny Yep. Tiny podcast. <laugh>. So we just actually hit a milestone on our YouTube channel. We hit a quarter of a million views. Yeah. I mean, I didn't know that Corey, Corey's mom and my mom had enough time to listen, uh, to the thing that much truly, or to watch. Yeah. So basically our parents are nonstop, you know, tubing our, just watch our stuff. I know. We always say, when we were on the radio, we would always say that we had three listeners, my mom, Tony's mom, and then some lady in Washington. Yeah. Some lady in Washington <laugh> who shows up at a the home and Garden show and wants a picture with us. Yeah. Well then that one guy in Spokane too. Yeah, that's right, Jason. Speaker 3 00:15:04 Yeah. That's funny. I have a couple of those. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:15:07 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but no. Anyway, we're, we're glad to have you on and you know, I think it's gonna be a lot of fun. Um, did you grow up in Portland? You grew up in Portland Speaker 3 00:15:15 Area? I did. I'm a native Oregonian. I grew up all over Oregon. Really? Yeah, all over Oregon. Yes. Speaker 2 00:15:20 And then you moved to California? Speaker 3 00:15:21 I was in California about the last two years. Yeah. I sold, uh, the last, the last house, which I, which was called the Rex Project. And it was one of the first houses in the nation to be built without a dumpster. That's incredible. That was huge. We called it, we called it the Rex Project cuz stood for reuse everything, experiment. Cuz what we were doing, nobody had done before, which was try to, there was a house that was on the property that was falling down and we deconstructed it and infused all those materials of that house into the new construction. And then we infused all the leftover materials of the new back into the new. Wow. So we never had a dumpster on site. Speaker 2 00:15:53 What'd you do with all the asbestos? There Speaker 3 00:15:55 Wasn't any asbestos. That was a lucky thing. <laugh>, seriously? No, no, no. We had to keep it real because we were, we were, uh, this was on, uh, uh, was it, uh, I think it was on coin. It was on coin. It was on K G W, all the local networks. So I had to keep it real cuz we didn't know what we were getting into when we started deconstructing that, you know, like how, how long, how much we did have lead paint, you know, so how much to what it cost to strip the lead paint versus actually getting more wood for the siding, the shiplap, the original shiplap siding. So I had to keep it real cost-wise, and we didn't know where we were going. What, you know, is this gonna be, is this gonna be cost effective? Is is it not? Is it gonna cost me more money? We didn't know from start to finish. Wow. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:16:36 <affirmative>. Yeah. I couldn't imagine having to reuse everything in any remodel that I've ever done. Well, I'll tell you what, but most of the stuff I've ripped outta garbage, she was, she did some very genius stuff that people would not think of. I'm just gonna highlight one thing. She pulled some old Sheetrock out of the house from before. Sorry about that. That's okay. She pulled some old Sheetrock out of the house from before and put it in the ground mm-hmm. <affirmative> and added that gypsum into the dirt, which actually is nutrients that the dirt uses to be, you know, more, uh, ah, more interesting. More composting. Yes, Speaker 3 00:17:16 It was. And Speaker 2 00:17:17 Composing. Yeah. That's difficult term. So now that you're part of the crew, you gotta realize Tony makes up words <laugh> that, you know what, I dunno if you knew that. Thank Speaker 3 00:17:25 God I'm right in there with you because I don't half the things, I don't even know what they are. So I have my own lingo. Yeah, yeah. Speaker 2 00:17:32 You guys are got two peas in a pod then. Yeah. Composting. That was genius. Well, Speaker 3 00:17:37 We had that tested because that had pain on it, so we had to make sure there was no lead pain on that. And we were lucky that there wasn't. So Yeah. And that, you know, a lot of that process is, I didn't know, like, okay, what am I gonna do with the old, you know, sheet rock? What am I gonna do with the lath? Yeah. It was, it was, it was a 1920s house it with lath and plaster. You know, what am I gonna do with lath? I had so much laugh. And I discovered that that could be a rain screen, you know, in the Pacific Northwest it rains a lot, you know, so between the framing and the, and the siding of the house, instead of spending two grand, you know, on a fiberglass or a plastic grain screen, we used the laugh. Yeah. You know, and that saved me, that saved me close to, that saved me about 1500 bucks. Yeah. Wow. You know, you know, it did have all those teeny tiny little nails <laugh> in it. <laugh>. And so what we did is we had some, um, re you know, some homeless people. They were regulars in our neighborhood. We all took care of 'em. And so they'd come by and we'd pay 'em, and they'd sit on the side and we'd feed 'em some Speaker 2 00:18:33 Of those little nails out Speaker 3 00:18:34 And they'd put those nails out. And that's, and they loved it. That's awesome. And, uh, yeah. And so we reused that. So it was, yeah. Speaker 2 00:18:38 I'll tell you what, we sell a lot of strips of plywood that we use for rain screen mm-hmm. <affirmative> and being able to repurpose laugh that was coming out of the old house for that exact, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Some genius things that you did, uh, in that, during that project, I just loved that video. And that video was only scratched the surface. Oh, so true. Of all of the things that you had to have gone through in order to be where you were. I mean, I saw you standing in front of that, um, structure with all of the materials stacked behind you from the house after it was down. And you were like, remember that house? It's right here. And you had tree limbs that were stacked in there, and you had wood. And my goodness, I, I was having no inclination of this before. I was super proud of you. Just in that moment. I was like, this woman has done something amazing. Well, I Speaker 3 00:19:34 Appreciate that, you know, Speaker 2 00:19:34 Watching that video, that was great. Speaker 3 00:19:35 All right. I gotta, I gotta, you know, I gotta tell you a little behind the scene though on that, you know, I gotta come clean on that. So when we were, so we deconstructed, we did, we deconstructed the house, thank goodness. It was only, it was only 660 square feet, so it was small. And so we deconstructed that and we put everything in piles on the, on, in the yard. We put the brick over here, we put metals here. We had wire over here. Yeah. So it was all piles and everything. And, you know, I was so proud of that. Look at, look at us, you know, and then <laugh> and then my foundation guy shows up and, and he takes one looks at, look at the, um, wherever the piles was. And he goes, so where are we building the house? Speaker 2 00:20:15 <laugh>? You're like, eh, we're gonna have to move all this stuff. <laugh>. Oh my gosh. Speaker 3 00:20:21 That's right. The house is a little bit bigger than the 660 square. Oh man. So that's why we got two containers. And then we had to reload. So everything that we had deconstructed and put the piles, then we had put in the container. So I gotta com clean on that. Yeah. But, um, it was a lot of fun. It, you know, but once again, live and learn, you know, live and learn. I mean, if we had to deconstruct the, like scrape that house, scrape that house that was gonna cost me, I saved $5,000 by just deconstructing and using those materials again. Right. Yeah. Instead of just wiping it away. Speaker 2 00:20:54 Yeah. Dumpster fees are expensive. I mean, dump fees in general, you know, the dumpster itself plus the dumping, you know, and all the stuff. That's a huge part of budgets that I think a lot of people overlook. I I would say that Corey is the number one person who is always looking for that exact cost. Every time I say, I got a project, and he's like, how much are you gonna spend? And I say, I'm gonna do this thing. And he's like, did you figure a dumpster? Cuz you're gonna need a dumpster and that's gonna cost you $500 probably. Yeah. Yeah. <laugh>, or if you have to, if you know, depending on how big it is, maybe it'll cost you a thousand dollars. That is a real expense, a very real expense. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> people miss that. But again, if you do something like that, I mean, I, I would try to think about the last project I did. Speaker 2 00:21:39 The big project I did was my kitchen. Okay. And Tony and I, I was telling her a little bit about that earlier, and I'm just trying to envision in my head what could have been reusable in that project. Oh yeah. Well, I mean, not much. No. We pulled, honestly, not much. We pulled a lot of stuff out of there that we pulled a lot of stuff out of there that had been reused the last time. Right. <laugh>, they had a, the main beam that was holding up the entire second story of my home was flinched together. Garbage. Yeah. It was just, it was like little pieces of wood. Yeah. Nailed together in this section to there. It was like four pieces wide. And it wasn't bolt, you know, they had a couple bolts in it, the beam, the post, it was all just nailed together. Junk. I couldn't believe it. Oh, I like the second story of the house Speaker 3 00:22:29 Junk. I don't think it would've been junk. I probably could have turned that into something <laugh>. Oh, you never know. Speaker 2 00:22:34 I saw this picture. Corey, you're gonna love this. I saw this picture on her website and she's, um, it's on the side of the road, right? The picture mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And you see this pile of materials leaning up against a, you know, do not cross sign on the side of the road. And it's looking like some pretty old-ish stuff. Right. And then right next to it is a picture of this super cute little office space in the house with a desk and a chair and, you know, and a, and a, a decorative piece on the wall with a bulletin board kind of thing. And she made that out of that pile of stuff. I mean, I just was looking at that thinking. Unbelievable. It was, to me it was unbelievable. That Speaker 3 00:23:16 Was a twin headboard. Nothing fancy. Just a And that was, there was not, the rest of the bed wasn't there. There was just a twin headboard. Yeah. <laugh>. Yeah. And not only did I do that, that was been published. So I did that. I turned that into three things. So I turned that into an office organizer. I turned that into a, uh, the other, I changed it out and I put a mirror in the, on the back of it and turned it into like a vanity space and hang jewelry. And then the last one is, I turned it into a mudroom where I put hooks on it and boards and everything for the, so the kids to hang stuff up. So like a coat Speaker 2 00:23:48 Rack or something like that? Yeah, Speaker 3 00:23:49 Yeah, yeah. An organizer. So, awesome. We have a Speaker 2 00:23:51 Coat <laugh>, um, <laugh>, um, let alone many coats that wouldn't necessitate a coat rack. <laugh> is a line out a movie I coat something else that Corey and I do, um, way more than we should probably. We quote lines out of movies. Every time I hear the word rack, I always think of the, uh, Wayne's world where his girlfriend gives him a gun rack. Uhhuh <affirmative>. He's like, I don't even have a gun. <laugh>, let alone many guns that wouldn't necessitate a gun rack. What are you mental? Yeah. Anyway. Good stuff. Um, yeah, that's really cool. I was just thinking about that. Cuz that is a unique skillset. Like I said, being able to look at something and to convert that into something else. I think it takes creativity. You gotta have the creativity to be able to look at something like that now. So that's just one. Speaker 2 00:24:48 I am just gonna, can I just do this? Can I just keep saying things about you while you're sitting? Sure. Right in front of me. <laugh>. No. Like we could ask her and she could tell us, but I want to say this other thing that I recognized about her genius. So this is the one thing that you just recognized that's a genius. Now couple that with the ability to take the thing that she made that is really cool now from stuff that was not, and then to decorate it with things. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> that bring it together to make one look. You had a bench, it was an old bench, it was all washed up. Right. And then you painted it yellow, but then you draped over the corner of it, uh, like a blanket maybe that someone would have on their lap when they were sitting on the bench outside and a, I don't know, a potted flower maybe that was fri that matched the same. Speaker 2 00:25:33 And I was like, ugh. The picture was amazing. So you created the picture that someone might frame and hang on their wall? That's correct. You created the bench that someone would sit on. You added the things that they would use while sitting there. All of those things. And then not even to mention the fact that you upcycle the bench to start with. So, I mean, it's not just one or two things. It's, there's so much going on in your brain. I'm kind of scared. A little <laugh>. Yeah. I feel like I sh you should be charging me, or I should be charging, you should be charging me to, to ask you these questions and learn more about what's going on. Well, that's Speaker 3 00:26:04 So funny you said that cuz when I just came over earlier today and, and Corey had mentioned in the kitchen and he was mentioning, oh, you know, we're thinking about redoing this fireplace and you know, you're, you design, and so I wanted to pick your brain. And I gave him about two seconds to finish the sentence and I dove right in. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:26:19 <laugh>. She's like, we should do this. You should move this. You move the piano over to that room and this and that. And I was like, wait for my wife to get home. <laugh>. He Speaker 3 00:26:26 Literally said that. He goes, wait till my wife gets, I'm like, oh, this is, this is easy peasy. This is easy step. No for me, no problem. Speaker 2 00:26:31 One thing, just do what I'm told. One thing that I'm very excited about now is that the weekend warriors have a designer on retainer. Now we can just make a phone call and be like, Shannon Uhhuh <affirmative>, we need some advice here. Yeah. That's the one thing we've never had No, no, no design eye at all. We've been missing out. I can design, you know, structural, mechanical things. You know, my brain is just very mechanical. I think about things, you know, three dimensionally and how things go together. I can't look at something and think of any other way. I don't know. I just don't have that brain. Speaker 3 00:27:04 That's okay. That's what makes everything, you know, when you're building a house or building a kitchen, you know, we're all experts at what we're d you know, and you know, so you gravitate towards expertise. And so that's, it's okay. Yeah. You know, that's, that's part of the recipe. It's part of a good crew. You know, we want, you wouldn't want seven of me on one job because we'd never get it done because we would be talking about how much we could do. Yeah. Instead of the, oh, I don't think we sh I think we should do that. Well, what about that? Oh, that's a great idea. What if we did that? Yeah, that's super. Okay, well we only got one. So which one we should do? I don't know. We should do 'em all. Nope, we can't. So it's good that we ha you have that balance. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:27:46 Yeah, there's a, uh, there's a funny cartoon that my kids watched called Gravity Falls. You ever see that, huh? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's, uh, it's great. It's actually really, really funny. But there's an episode where he somehow is able to, the, the main character, the boy is able to photo copy himself and he, he's like, there's this whole scene where there's like 10 or 12 of himself and he's like arguing about everything <laugh>. And he wants to kiss this girl or dance with this girl or something. And then they all argue about who gets to dance with her. And like, we we're all me <laugh>. It's just super funny. Made me think of that. <laugh>. Yeah. Oh my gosh. We definitely wouldn't want seven of anybody. No. On a job site. <laugh>. He was just going to say Tony right before he said anybody. He was gonna say Tony, which is okay. I, I am a lot. One of me is a lot <laugh>. I mean, I, I can't imagine two or more would be dangerous. I mean, pretty strong hands. If I was multiplied like Michael Keaton in Multiplicity, if I was, I would have to send my clone to the other side of the planet <laugh>, just to keep us both alive. If we were in the same place, we would, you know, ipl we would explode or something. Speaker 3 00:28:57 Well, that's ironic that you said that because what I do is, and it's more common now, you know, if you'll see people, you know, their DIY in, they're changing things and they're upcycle all the time. But I've done it said like, for 25, 30 years. And so I had the subcontractors and the contractors on the job saying, you can't do that. And um, oh, they'd say, that cost too much money. And then I'd always follow up and go, how much h how much would that cost? Oh, well, it's just, you know, you can't do it. How really? How come? And, um, because can't was a swear word in our household. We were not allowed to say the word can't. It was, it was not. Uh, we were not. And so how we could change it out. So I had many of the same mindset on job sites. Speaker 3 00:29:46 Um, especially the last project that I did where we are literally reusing and recycling and upcycling. And I had, we were even on tour, we had the house was on so many tours and at one point we were, we were in framing stage and we had all the, we had all the vendors that wanted to be on, they had little tables in framing of the house. And I had contractor after subcontractor and everybody come in and was like, oh, well, you know, this is just gonna cost too much money and you're not gonna be able to do this. I'm like, dude, I'm standing in it. We're doing it. We're Speaker 2 00:30:20 Here right Speaker 3 00:30:21 Now. We're, we're doing it. Oh, well, it's gonna cost you too much money. And I'd always, I had that ev thrown at me every single time. I was like, well, let's, you know. And I'd always say, maybe, maybe it will <laugh>, but let's find out. Let's find out. Because we don't know what the answer is now. Speaker 2 00:30:37 Well, I think a lot of contractors in situations like that, you know, it, it might not necessarily cost more, but it would cost them more time, you know, to have to figure out how to reuse something. I've, I've gotten those calls before, you know, like, where can I buy a, you know, a old barnwood, you know, that's like a classic one. I get that all the time. People call and ask where they can buy, you know, a, a beam out of an old building <laugh>. And I'm like, I don't know. I sell new lumber. You know what I mean? So a contractor, I I guess probably hearing that would resort to that they'd be like, I don't know. I, I don't, that's not my skillset. You know? Speaker 3 00:31:18 Or, and uh, really good point is that the lumber that we saved from the 1920 house was true two by fours, one by eights, one by sixes. And so even though I would reused all that lumber, I had to pay the labor to cut that down to the size that we use now. Right. Speaker 2 00:31:38 Phenomenal size. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:31:39 Exactly. And so, you know, so that, so that was a cost. So I had to keep that real. It's like, oh, well I saved in actual lumber, but I had to pay for more labor to cut it down. You Speaker 2 00:31:51 Also saved cuz you didn't have to throw it Speaker 3 00:31:52 Away. That's Speaker 2 00:31:53 Right. There's an interesting law actually that I, I'll have to look this up. Uh, but there was a law that went into place that actually helped people like you reuse old lumber. Because nowadays lumber has a required stamp. It has to have buy a lumber mill, a stamp of its grade and its quality and it's basically its structural ability to hold up your house. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And people would want to use, you know, when that craze came in, it was like a, a fad, I don't know, not really a fad, but it was like this craze of everyone wanting an old barn beam, let's call it a movement. It was a movement. There you go. A movement. They wanted, they wanted to bring in a 10 by 10 from this bill and, you know, it's strong enough. Yeah. But it didn't have a stamp. Speaker 2 00:32:47 So you, you legally weren't allowed to use it in new construction. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> couldn't do it. So somewhere along the line, they actually created a law or made a made pass. Something that allowed people to do it as long as it met certain criteria. Which is smart because material from those older years Oh yeah. Way stronger. Oh, way stronger than what we're growing today. Like Douglas fur that we use in the Pacific Northwest, you know, on the old growth that you see in these homes that were built in the teens, twenties, thirties, forties, the rings, you know, the tightness of that lumber. Yeah. Yeah. It had a certain value of strength. You know, they, that and then during like the seventies or eighties, they had to go back and redesign and re-engineer come out with new engineering for lumber and lower its quality like, or, or its strength. Speaker 2 00:33:46 Yeah. I, there's a show on something, history Channel maybe or something now called uh, Barnwood Builders. Oh yeah. And these guys deconstruct, these are period barns. Yes. I mean, we're talking about, you know, 1800, 1900 like tobacco barns, like old Yeah. Old. Um, and then they take those big timbers, they test them to make sure that they're solid and not, you know, have rot in them and that they're still strong and then they turn them into log homes. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And they do amazing work. I mean, unbelievable. Super cool stuff. Yeah. You can't, I don't, I mean, you can't really buy better wood than that old growth timber. Yeah. Yeah. It's beautiful. I mean, you don't really want to go harvested either now, you know. Right. You can't really, you know, anywhere legally, I don't think. Sure, sure, sure. Yeah. Has a really old grow timber anymore protecting those old growth timbers. Speaker 2 00:34:36 Now, that's why I get people call in sometimes and they want, on some of these newer homes, you'll see huge timbers. I mean, eight by twenties, you know, eight by 14, like these big, big timbers. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And sometimes when they get big enough you have to go out and source it. You can't just, it's not sitting anywhere. No. And like they've lit literally. They physically have to go find a tree big enough to cut that out of for you <laugh>. And sometimes people don't understand that, you know. Yeah. That's where a lot of the engineered wood has come into play these days with glue Lamb and L V L. Right. Doesn't look as nice. Right. But I'll tell you what though, Ola by Warehouser is one of the coolest products you'll ever see. They take strands of wood. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> PSL stands for Paralleled Strand Lumber and they smash it in together with this, with resin. Speaker 2 00:35:34 And it has a really, really cool look to it. And you can polyurethane it, ah, or epoxy coat it if you've ever been to an re e i Yes. They use a ton of it there. Yes. On like, their stairs. And it's beautiful. It kinda looks like, it looks super cool. It kinda looks like worm kinda looks like worm, worm wood Worm wood <laugh>. Yeah. I mean, it kind of, it has these little sort of round. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. You know, um, uh, strands. Yeah, strands who strands are, it's pretty cool along. Yeah, for sure. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, speaking of old wood, you have got a new project, the thing that is Oh yeah, we gotta get into that pending. We really wanna talk about the new project that's coming up. I mean, really. Yeah. You are onsite. Well, I'm gonna just let you tell the story. You bought a piece of property. I did. Uh, in a new place. I did. And, um, and so, and you are about to do a bunch of work there. Tell us about what, where you're at now and what is, uh, what is coming up? Speaker 3 00:36:25 Where am I at now? So yeah. So I took it, I took over two years to look for a property and it's out in wine country and it's a quarter acre. It's commercially zoned. So this is why I'm able to do Speaker 2 00:36:38 Oh, it is, is it? Yes. Okay. It's Speaker 3 00:36:40 Commercially zoned. Okay. Quarter acre. Um, it's in McMinville. Okay. Beautiful, Speaker 2 00:36:46 Beautiful Speaker 3 00:36:46 Town. It's a 19, uh, currently on site. It's a 1911 bungalow. Just your classic Pacific Northwest bungalow. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which is near and dear to my heart. I love older homes. And then there is a detached garage on the other end of the property. And it, tiny <laugh>, a tiny, tiny, tiny, I can't, I don't know what vehicle back in 1911 <laugh>, uh, that you could even get a horse. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:37:12 It's probably a horse. A horse and carriage. A Speaker 3 00:37:14 Horse garage. I, I don't know. But horse Speaker 2 00:37:16 Without the Speaker 3 00:37:17 Carriage. Seriously. Just the carriage <laugh>. Yeah. That's it. <laugh>. But, um, so the plan is, is to, currently that bungalow is a class two bedroom, one bath, um, has unfinished basement and it has a upstairs that's never been finished. Well, it ha part of it's been finished, but n not to code. Um, and so the plan is to remodel that into a three bedroom, two bath, and then extend the garage so I can get my 66 Chevy truck into Speaker 2 00:37:47 The garage. Oh yeah. Speaker 3 00:37:48 Extend the grudge and then build three other small, um, similar bungalow style, um, homes. Two of 'em, um, single level. And then one looks almost kind of like a barn structure behind the main bungalow. So that'll be a two-story, and that will have a one bedroom above it. And I, I want guys, I wanna create community. I want to build relationships. Um, my, in the last, uh, in the last seven years, I've lost a lot of family. Um, and, uh, it's, it's been a long journey. Um, ironically today is an anniversary of somebody, of somebody that's near and dear close, close closest to my heart had passed away. Oh. And so, uh, that, that was something I wanted to do. I wanted to bring families together and I didn't know how I was gonna do it. I didn't know the plan. But, um, I'm so excited about this. I bought this property about eight months ago and, um, and I'm just gonna, I'm gonna put the Q stamp on it and we're gonna recycle and reuse. There's, you know, every, like, like you record, you were saying like all the little wood scrap pieces, you know, I'll, I'll probably turn that into Art Peak cuz there's gonna be wood scrap pieces. Uh, there already is <laugh>, there's, there's stuff I've found cuz the, the family lived there, the couple live there for over 50 years. Speaker 2 00:39:13 Wow. Wow. Speaker 3 00:39:14 Yeah. And they left it pretty clean, but there's, I've already found some treasures in there and some are like, oh, holy, whoa, <laugh>. Okay. Yeah. Um, yeah, we'll bury that in the yard. Yeah. <laugh>. Yeah. That's a, that's a critter that will go <laugh>. Yeah. That will become dust. Um, but yeah, so that's, that's the journey. And I'm so excited you guys because we get to document it. Yeah. The three of us get to document this together from the very beginning and, and to be able to have that reality. And, um, you, Corey you were saying, you know, people reach out to you, where do I get this? How do I do this? You know, from a homeowner's standpoint of how to remodel and how build from a contractor's standpoint, from a vendor's, there's a, there's always a gap. A homeowner always asks, how come that costs so much? Speaker 3 00:40:05 How come it's taking so long? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, why, uh, why isn't anybody doing anything? And from a, and then on the flip side, the contractor is doing just the opposite. Working their tail off, getting things in transport, resourcing materials, trying to find the best deal, getting the crews on site when they need to be. Yeah. And, you know, and I always, I've been, I've been remodeling and designing and, and working and with contractors and, and architects for many, many years. And I always tell other homeowners when they hire me, I go, we're a team. Remember this. You're, you hired this team. We are a team. It does not need to be a nightmare <laugh>. It doesn't need to be. Yeah. And also Speaker 2 00:40:50 It's easier said than done though. Speaker 3 00:40:51 It, but it's short term though. Think about it. Your kitchen gorgeous. I walked right in there. It's beautiful. Okay. It's going to get finished. It will get finished. It will get done. And, and a lot of times they think a homeowner just doesn't have the concept of time and space of how long things will get, but it always does get done. Right. Speaker 2 00:41:10 Yeah. My kitchen took eight months. Yeah. Eight months. Yeah. Well, I'll tell you what, we have this conversation with our listeners on a very regular basis. We talk about, um, realistic expectations on the job site. We talk about how contractors are doing everything they, that they can to manage this job while also managing other jobs and that they want success for your project as much as you do. Um, but I think managing expectations is very important that the, that the homeowner go in looking for a relationship with the contractor and, and the designer. If there's a designer, if you go in there looking for a relationship and you open yourself up to hear what they have to say, and you look for ways to find common ground, I think all too often our homeowners that are hiring contractors and designers have a preconceived notion that contractors are crooks and designers are crazy. Speaker 2 00:42:09 Now, I don't believe that nobody, you know, we don't believe that, but they go in with a pre preconceived notion because of things that they've read in articles or seen, you know, and so they have a worst case scenario going on in their brain and they go in and they think, I have to protect myself. I have to protect my money. I have to protect my vision. And in order to do that, I have to keep my walls up. But the only way it's gonna work is if, if you go in there to meet with the contractor and the designer open to a relationship and allow them to, um, you know, to allow them to bring you into the team. And then you have a team. When you have a team, everybody's working towards the same goal. And that is where the success is always. Speaker 2 00:42:49 Corey and I talk about this all the time. It's, it's very, it seems like you said, easier said than done. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it seems like a simple concept, but, well, it's, man, you know, we talk about managing expectations a lot and homeowners, you know, I think hgtv, you know, has been the culprit. It's, it's a great <laugh>. It's a great show. I mean, it's a double edge. We all did it. It's a double-edged sword. Yeah. We all watched HGTV like crazy. Yeah. Through the two thousands and 2010s. It was the great greatest channel on tv. Yeah. But the problem is, it has created unrealistic expectations for many people. They think that a remodel takes two weeks or three weeks Speaker 3 00:43:32 Or a half an hour. Yeah. Or Speaker 2 00:43:34 Half an hour or an hour <laugh>. And you know, they think that they can do it for $5,000, you know, because that's what they do on tv. But unless you're willing to put on the tool bags and learn, you're not going to get, you're not gonna get it for five grand. Right. Right, right. You know, and that's what, where Tony and I have been able to do projects in our homes, you know, the amount of work that I've put in and Tony's put in at my house, I would never have been able to afford it. Never. So, I don't know. Yeah. It's a, it's a fun thing to do and I love Speaker 3 00:44:10 It. I love the journey. Yeah. I, I love, I I love tearing it apart and I love sketching it out, you know, and seeing where it's gonna go and how it's gonna land. And there will, especially with older homes, guaranteed there's gonna be surprises 100%. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, um, out in McMinville, um, you know, it's, uh, moves slower. So, you know, the committees don't meet like they do here in, you know, in Multnomah County they meet very, you know, once a month and, or a couple of times a month. And so that process is gonna take longer. But, you know, I just, I love, see I lo I'm, I guess I'm one of the odd ones cuz I love the journey. I love the journey of taking something that, and when you, I can't wait. You guys show up. I mean, you're gonna walk into that kitchen in that bathroom, which was quote remodeled <laugh>, you know, and you're gonna be like, wow, this is, you know, and because I literally, I can already see the finished product. Speaker 3 00:45:14 I, I literally can see it in my head and I'm purposely making myself live there uncomfortable. Um, I, I moved in and it's just been, uh, like less than two months. I have barely unpacked. I have one room that's completely full of stuff. I have done basically nothing because Right. We start to get complacent. Even something a little like painting a room. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, if you get it all, if you move in and you get all set up, it's like, oh yeah, I'll paint that. And then two weeks becomes two months, then comes two years, becomes 20 Speaker 2 00:45:47 Years <laugh>. Speaker 3 00:45:49 Yeah. So I'm purposely when I walk in that bathroom going, man, this is ugly man, you know, and so, and I don't touch it. Yeah. Don't do it. And I'm a designer, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I'm like, okay, the sponge, the sponge application still needs to stay. And the three colors of like horrific green and you know, it's Speaker 2 00:46:09 <laugh>, Tony and I have talked about that before too, cuz we do the show, we try to do a show every year called cost versus value. And it's kind of one of those things that you've spent money on to get something done because you want it done or you've spent money on it because you're trying to get value out of it. And whenever you spend money on your home, you're not necessarily getting 100% return on that investment. It's actually, there's hardly anything that you could spend money on in your home that you will get 100%, you'll get higher, there's higher than others. Right. You know, you can get into the eighties and even 90% of your, the money that you spent, unless you do it yourself, if you do it yourself, that's a different story. You're in it, you're spending your own money, you're spending your own time learning, then you'll get the money back out of it. Speaker 2 00:46:57 But, you know, some of these projects in there and there are, that are in there if you focus too much on getting the return on your investment. And I feel like a lot of people do this. They, they won't spend money on something cuz it's too expensive. But then they live there for 20 years and go, man, my house is really outdated. I'm not gonna be able to sell it. So then they go in, spend a hundred grand fixing up their house just to give it to someone else. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, I, I learned, not learned, but I decided a long time ago that I wasn't going to do that. If I'm going to move him to house and it needs something done, I'm gonna try to get it done as soon as possible so that we can enjoy it. Right. Right. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:47:35 And create the space that you love. Right. You know, I, you know, you do hear a lot. It's like, oh, well that's not good for resale. And, and I'm like, well, I'm not reselling it right now. I'm living in it. Yeah. And I mean, I've had homes where, uh, one time, uh, the treads, stair treads, the, they showed up and the flooring guy, he's like, oh, we got a problem here, Quimby. I was like, when he goes, you know, I thought this was an enclosed staircase. It's not an open staircase, so the treads are too short. And, uh, he goes, so we gotta, you know, we gotta return him. I was like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. And again, I'm not gonna do that. He goes, well, the trends are too short. I said, hold on here, hold on here. And, uh, so I go out to the, I go out to my car and I, I come back in. My son was six at the time and big, big into hot wheels. And I said, okay, this what we're gonna do. I said, we're gonna build out the baseboard, we're gonna build out the baseboard and we're gonna build a hot wheel track and whatever that space is, that is too, too short on the treads, that's what we're gonna do. And, and then my finished carpenters in the background, he's like, sweet. Speaker 2 00:48:40 Oh my God, that's awesome. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:48:42 So, so literally, so down the staircase is, is a hot wheel track. And then, then, and it was, um, three floors. And then the, uh, the go ahead. The flooring guy goes, oh, sweet. Because the treads are even shorter going third. Can we have two-lane track? And I said, <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:48:59 Two-lane track. Nice. Yeah. That's hilarious. That is hilarious. Speaker 3 00:49:04 Yeah. And guess what? I so many like, oh, well, for resale, for resale, you know, oh my God. It was one of the best things to, for resale to showing to show that, you know, and it was a family and the kids and like the hot wheels going down the side. Yeah. You know, and from a designer standpoint, what did I do? I painted it the same color as all the baseboard trims, so it wasn't, you know, an orange hot wheel trim. Sure, Speaker 2 00:49:28 Sure. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:49:29 You didn't even notice what Speaker 2 00:49:30 It was. I never would've thought of that. Never. It's very interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, you know, another show that we do, we try to do every year, sometimes every other year, outdated design trends. <laugh>, you know, like, uh, like faux sponge prints on the walls in the bathroom. Tuscan kitchens in a sort of, uh, you know, rust colored orange vessel sinks pea green. Yes. Uh, no Speaker 3 00:49:58 Vessel sinks are out, man. Speaker 2 00:50:00 I know they're out. I know Tony, Tony had one in his house. I gave him so much crap for so long for putting a vessel sink. And he, you put it in when it was still popular. Okay. But it was at the end, you know what I mean? It was like, it was like it had ridden it's time out. And I was like, because I'm one of those people that if I do something in my home, I'm very conservative on design typically, because I want it to be timeless. I just want it to la last as long. Classic. Yeah. Cla as long as possible. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I try not to jump on some of those trends and you know, I mean, we did put a farmhouse sink in, but you know, I mean, those are still cool, right? Speaker 3 00:50:40 Yeah. You know, there's trends and there's classic, there's, there's, you know, like, uh, furniture Adirondacks and outdoor Aron chairs. Right. Never go to style. Right. So there's some things that, they're not trendy. They're, they're, it's a classic design that will, that will stay forever and ever. Yeah. You know, and, um, but finishes, colors, you know, hardware, you know, you know, black, everything was black, black, black, black, black. You know? Oh, yeah. Now you're going into, you know, metals into metallics, and you're seeing the golds and you're seeing the roses and, and brass. Yeah. And brass is coming back and brush brass, antique brass. And so that's all going into Yeah. I don't follow the trends either. I, I, I've never done that with, with design. Um, I just go with what I like, and then I'm reus I'm reusing, you know, my, my past dining room, uh, chandelier was all the beer and wine bottles that I found in Laurel Hedge, <laugh> <laugh> that when we, when we were taking out the Laurel Hedge Oh, nice. Speaker 3 00:51:36 Because we lived a block from the park. And so that Laurel Hedge had been there for 30 years. And we used, we found some treasures in that thing when we were cutting down that Laurel Hedge. And of course I kept the Laurel Hedge when we turned that into Garden Furniture. But, um, yeah. And so I made beer and wine bottles chandelier funny. And this, this was way before anybody else had done that. Sure. Yeah. You know, and, and that got published over and over again. French glamor for crying out loud, flew over and published that took shots of that. Wow. They flew over from France. Yeah. And shot that. Speaker 2 00:52:04 Maybe you started that trend. Maybe Speaker 3 00:52:06 I did <laugh>. You might Speaker 2 00:52:07 Have. Speaker 3 00:52:07 I might have. Speaker 2 00:52:08 Yeah. But yeah, we, we should do that show definitely with you. That would be fun. Would be, that would be a blast. Yeah. We had some, we had some really, um, some really high points to the first time we did that show. We spent a lot of time, um, putting it together. We made it jokes <laugh>. Yeah. We did. Like, uh, like this, if you have more popcorn ceiling in your house than the local movie theater has on the floor, it might be time for an update. That's right. Or we said, let's see if you have more bright brass in your house than the local high school marching band <laugh>, it might be time to update. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:52:47 Clever. Clever. Speaker 2 00:52:48 It was a great show. Uh, we had like 50 things and uh, we had a good time with it. We had a really good time with it. Yeah. We were super dorks. We've tried to recreate that show, uh, a dozen times, but we can't put it together. Well, we just need, you know, time. Yeah. Yeah. Who has time? No time. Speaker 3 00:53:04 Well, you know, that's, uh, and so speaking of time, I can't wait for you guys to come out and see the place, you know, and as you go walking through the house for the first time, and then I'm gonna be point, I'm gonna point's like I wanna do that and I wanna do that. And, you know, and it would be, I just can't wait to get your feedback. Yeah. You know, and, you know, from, from a technical Right. Corey, you know, like this, I'm technical. I see it black and white in how you're gonna do it. Yeah. And, you know, or that's gonna be a challenge, you know, or that's, that's probably gonna take a lot more money than you thought it would. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, um, or time, or we're gonna have somebody that's gonna have to, I don't like to say, think outta the box cuz I have this line that says I never think outta the box. Cuz then I never had a box to begin with. <laugh>. Um, but, uh, yeah. So I, I'm looking forward to getting your guys', uh, yeah. Feedback on that. And Speaker 2 00:53:56 Well sometimes, you know, the, you're confined in certain applications. You said this house particularly is on the historic registry? Speaker 3 00:54:04 No, uh, resource. So there's a difference. So the registry means that, you know, I can't do anything physically altering the exterior at like, at all. And even the garage, if that garage was a leaning tower of ness, and if it was on the historic registry, I couldn't touch it. Hmm. I'm on the historical resources. Oh, okay. So, so I can, if I wanted to do anything, uh, exterior, like at a shed dormer or like, my plan is to extend the garage back, um, I would have to go, I have to have approval through the historic committee, you know, and, and it has to be, so the materials I use, so it had to be the same roofing material. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it had to be similar to the same siding. If we can't find the siding, something that is acceptable and approved through mm-hmm. <affirmative> mm-hmm. <affirmative>, the historical committee. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. Um, yeah. Speaker 2 00:54:52 That's interesting. You know, I grew up in Flint, Michigan and there is a part of that town, it's actually called Carriage Town. You drive into Carriage Town and they call it that because a lot of the houses had carriage houses where they would keep the horses in carriage. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it's so sad because all of those houses are on the historic, I don't know if they're on the, I think they're on the historical registry. And like, I remember when I lived there, there was houses that were literally falling down and people could not afford to fix them up. Right. Because they wanted, you had to put wood windows in, you had to use real slate tile for the roofs. You know, you'd drive through and see, you know, tarps everywhere because you people couldn't afford the $50,000 to put a new roof on the house that's valued at $20,000. Right, right. You know? Yeah. It was just so sad. And I feel like misplaced, uh, misplaced management there. Yeah. I feel like, you know, the historic registry, there's a lot of bureaucracy, you know what I mean? And I don't, I don't if there's anything you can really do about it, you know, especially in a town like Flint, Michigan. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:56:02 True, true. You know, I understand. I understand why, you know, um, but it does, when it does have, you have a lot of barriers. Right. And this was on this particular project, uh, this property that I bought, I did do my dil my due diligence before I paid for it, you know, before I bought it. It's like, okay, what, what are my limitations? What can, and can I, what can I can do? Yeah. Which I am learning still. I am it, you know, my, my learning curve is straight up rocket ship <laugh> and you know, I mean, well discovered that I have one tax lot, but I, it's been discovered I got two lots. Yeah. Didn't know that when we bought it <laugh>. Interesting. So I have two lots. Okay. Well the garage is on one lot and the house is on the other. Wow. Speaker 3 00:56:50 I can't re so cuz of my, I wanted to remodel the garage first and then put all my stuff in the garage and then remodel the house and then build the other three here. I already Right. I had this all figured out. No problem. Oh. Um, nope. I cannot do that because the garage is on a separate lot. I can't touch that garage because there's not a, they call it a principal, meaning there's not a house on that lot with the garage. I have to have a house on that lot. I have to have a principal on that lot. I can also have at least building permitted building plans. So it shows I am building the house or I can consolidate the two lots into one and then have the main house as the principle, which I don't wanna do that be silly, you know, to talk about decreasing the value of property. Right. Speaker 2 00:57:36 Right. Plus you're, you're adding, you are adding a house I know. On that other piece of property. So it makes sense anyways. It is. Speaker 3 00:57:41 But just that Speaker 2 00:57:43 Stopping changes up the way you're gonna do it. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:57:45 Yeah. So once again, right. Homeowner expectations mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So if that was, if if my co if I was the contractor, ol a sudden coming back and telling the homeowner, well guess what? You know, the homeowner would be, oh, are you kidding me? Blah, blah, blah. Why didn't you tell me that? Blah blah. Yeah. So I'm, I'm the homeowner doing that, doing learning, understanding and, and, and sometimes I'm already, I'm pushing back a little bit. Yeah. I'm pushing back on stuff, you know. Um, I didn't know what a no cut list was, you know, for a street. I didn't know what that was about. You know, it's like when you pave a, pave a road, um, I don't know what mul Noma is, uh, but in, uh, outta McMinnville, um, if you pave a road, uh, it's on the no cut list for five years. And if you wanna cut into that, say for a new sewer or new water line, it costs three to four times the amount that it would normally if it was, uh, that wasn't cut. Speaker 2 00:58:39 Wow. I see. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> interesting. Speaker 3 00:58:41 Yeah. So, so when I started researching this, going, okay, I cuz you know, will this one sewer accommodate these multiple other structures? Am I gonna have to have another water line? And then they said, well how sorry your, your road's on a no cut list. And I, I once, I didn't even know what that meant. What, what are you talking about? And then I, so I, can you please explain to me what that is? And then they tell me and then I go, is there any questions I'm not asking cuz cuz I don't know. Cuz this is new to me. And he said, well, yes, there's a timeframe that streets are on. How long they're on a cut list. I said, okay. I had to ask, it was like 20 questions. Yeah. And how long, because Speaker 2 00:59:25 They're not, this is just not helpful. Yeah, Speaker 3 00:59:27 Yeah. How long is my street on the no cut list? He goes five years. Oh. Speaker 2 00:59:32 How long has Speaker 3 00:59:33 It <laugh>? How long has it been on? 2018. Oh, 18, 19, 20. 21. 20. Oh, well this is 23. So, and then he's like, Hmm, you're absolutely right. I didn't even think about that. And I was like, here, I'm just goes. Yeah, I guess, uh, you're in the clear, I'm in the clear like two months. It's after two months I'll be past the five, the five year mark on the no cut list. <laugh>. But once again, like asking and even saying, I don't know, I don't understand the lingo or I don't understand the process, can you slow down? Can you, you know, educate me. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:00:07 That can be daunting. I'll tell you Speaker 3 01:00:09 It is. Oh it is. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I'm like, we're documenting this guys. Right. We're keeping it real. And, and you know, I'm sure I'll make mistakes. Um, and uh, you know, I'm sure there's gonna be delays and a lot of that's gonna be out of our hands. Uh, but that's typical. Yep. That Speaker 2 01:00:28 Is. So Speaker 3 01:00:28 That's right. That's typical Speaker 2 01:00:30 Two really good descriptive words of DIYing being your own contractor. Taking, being your own general, taking on a project like this. It's two very descriptive words. One, it's very rewarding. Two, it's also humbling. Oh yeah. It's humbling and it's rewarding. You gotta know when to fold them. Yeah, that's right. <laugh>, no. When to walk away. It's definitely worth doing. But it's not easy. It's not, there is a lot of work and there's a lot of learning and there's a lot of concessions that have to be made. And you will be humbled, but you'll also be rewarded once you realize, once you're afraid, not afraid to make mistakes and you know, just work through it, then you're, then you're good. Right. That's what you just gotta learn. You're gonna make mistakes. You're gonna learn from 'em. So Corey, Speaker 3 01:01:16 You just hit a word right there. Fear a lot of people don't do, won't do a remodel or a new build or even move because they're afraid. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, I'm afraid to do it. You know, I don't know what's gonna happen to everything. And, um, and that's o it's okay to be afraid. And even this, even this process, like I'm, I'm remodeling one house and doing this garage and three other homes, you know, I've never done it to this caliber before. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> mm-hmm <affirmative>. And, but I have one-on-one. So if you start to think of it as this big picture and get overwhelmed, slow down, you know, go back to the beginning, you know? Yeah. And just one step at a time. One step at a time. That's good. And it's okay to be, it's okay to be shaken in your boots. That's okay. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:02:03 Very cool. Well, I'll tell you what, this show is going long, so Yeah, it is going long. But, but I'll tell you what, this is gonna be really good. I know. I can't wait to come out. We're actually coming out in a couple weeks. We're gonna be checking out this project. So Yeah, I I'm really glad we got a chance to get together and do sort of a preface and talk a little bit about what's coming up. But be sure and check out what's happening with the Weekend Warriors and Shannon Quimby. Um, you're gonna be able to find that on our YouTube channel. YouTube channel, which is, uh, at WW Home show. Yeah. It's not as easy as that. You actually have to search. It's, I'm trying to figure this out. YouTube slash WW home show. If, uh, if anybody's listening and they're a YouTube person that knows how to YouTube, will you email me? Speaker 2 01:02:50 We, uh, it's uh, weekend warriors Email me and tell me how to make it so where when I search WW Home show, our channel comes up. Yeah. It doesn't Well, if you type into the email address into the address bar www home show it comes up. That is correct. That is, uh, that's our, that's our name of our channel. Yeah, that is true. But when you go to YouTube and search WW Home Show in the search engine, yeah. It won't bring our show. Really? It's kind of weird. So I don't know. I guess I haven't tried it. I don't know why or I don't know how to fix it. I'm not a YouTube person, I'm a lumber guy. Yeah. But anyway, it's gonna be on there. Uh, our Instagram is at WW Home Show. Shannon's, you, you have an Instagram? Yes. Shannon Quimby. Shannon Quimby. So shannon That's it. Go check out her stuff. Check out our stuff. Shannon Quimby, make sure you hit the subscribe button. We're doing this show every week. We're doing lots and lots of YouTube videos. We're Speaker 4 01:03:50 Gonna have a ton of videos come out of this project in McMinville. So if you're interested in that, make sure you go like and subscriber your YouTube channel Speaker 2 01:03:57 Anyway. Yes, Shannon, that's Speaker 5 01:03:59 About it. Thank you so much again for being with us. It was a really good time. And uh, we'll be back together again very soon. Yeah, we're gonna have a blast. We're gonna have a blast. All Speaker 2 01:04:07 Right, we'll see you next time. All right. Bye Speaker 5 01:04:09 Bye. Bye. Speaker 2 01:04:11 They just did a good bye. See ya. See ya, Speaker 5 01:04:14 <laugh>.

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