Latest Episodes

Safety First
Tony and Corey talk about safety in this weekes episode of the Weekend Warriors.

Essential Tools
Tony and Corey give out a list of essential tools for the Weekend Warrior! Christmas is around the corner so you can use some...

Gambler 500 boys
Tony and Corey talk to the originators of the Gambler 500. Tate Morgan and Andy Munson talk a little about the event. Then we...

Fall Home Maintenance
Tony and Corey share a list of maintenance items that need to be addressed around your home before the rain starts falling and the...

How to raise a plant
Tony and Corey talk to Erin Harding creator of Cleverbloom and author of the book "How to raise a plant and make it love...

Building a Deck
Tony and Corey talk about things to consider when building a deck. Designing your deck, rules and regulations that you need to follow, choosing...